: Japanese speakers really seem to be producing /a/ + /i/, and /a/ + /u/. The Chn./En. /ai/ never reached the region where /i/ is
I once briefly believed in love, but in the end, what I really want is to get rich. In this world, those who win are mostly heartless people.
I really like to have your company. I'm sorry that I'm sometimes not good at expressing my emotions, but you are really important to me! 我真的很喜欢有你的陪伴,很抱歉,我有时不善于表达自己的情绪,但你对我来说,真的很重要! #英文短句#欧美户外 (3)
Hijab Hookup What I Really Want for Christmas FeaturingBabi Star , Peter Greenvideo HD 1080p(video 4K premium) (video 720p) (video 540p) (photos in archive) (photos)Premium
编号:000214 类型: Tsukushi I really need that colour 作者: #Toone 标签: #3D #同人 #短片 #Patreon资源 #Tsukushi #DOA
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