#菲妹投稿想去个韩国结果被骗 Hi. i want EXPOSE This woman is a scammer, don't believe her words, especially when you are offered to go to another country like Korea, This woman has victimized many people, she asks for a down payment and then when you give it, she run away, you won't be able to leave to another country, And she is also a thief, If anyone sees these two, please tell them that the woman's husband is looking for them, Her Indonesian boyfriend hides that woman, And also this girl wanted now So many people looking for her , to here Debt please careful everyone. 嗨。我要揭露这个女人是个骗子,不要相信她的话,尤其是当你被邀请去韩国这样的国家时,这个女人已经骗了很多人,她要求你付定金,然后当你付了定金后,她就跑了,你就不能去其他国家了,而且她还是个小偷, 如果有人看到这两个人,请告诉他们,这个女人的丈夫在找他们, 她的印尼男朋友藏了那个女人, 而且这个女孩现在被通缉了 很多人都在找她,她欠了债 请大家小心。

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