#菲律宾网友投稿你能帮我找到这个女孩吗?这是我和我两个孩子在一起 11 年的伴侣。直到她说。她需要工作,但一直在欺骗我。当她现在
#菲律宾网友投稿 你能帮我找到这个女孩吗?这是我和我两个孩子在一起 11 年的伴侣。直到她说。她需要工作,但一直在欺骗我。当她现在和其他人在一起时,她也在欺骗其他人。这张照片是去年 11 月 12 日拍的。现在她为了安全而欺骗其他人。她对认识她的人撒谎。但我确信她对认识她的人撒谎。 Can you please help to find this girl ? This is my partner for 11years with my two kids . until she said . She need to work stay in but she is lying on me . and she is lying to other guy when she is now together . This picture is last november 12 . Now she is lying for the other guy when she is now to be safe for her . She is telling a lie from who know her . but i am sure she is telling the lie from who know her .

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