China. Conflicts over food in one of the grocery stores. Scared

China. Conflicts over food in one of the grocery stores. Scared of being locked down at home, people in Zhengzhou, Henan province rushed to buy food and necessities. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #lockdown



China. Scared of being locked down at home, people in Zhengzhou,

China. Scared of being locked down at home, people in Zhengzhou, Henan province rushed to buy food and necessities. One intersection was truly blocked. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #lockdown


Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province, has been complete

Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province, has been completely quarantined because of the coronavirus. 21 million people were locked in their homes, allowing only one family member to go out to buy food. As a result, people had a battle for food in markets and stores. And at night, residents scream out the windows out of desperation. #ZeroCOVIDPolicy #China


China. Wuxi City. Zhejiang Province.

China. Wuxi City. Zhejiang Province. A drone flies around telling citizens: ''This community is in total lockdown now. Stay in your room.'' #China #Lockdown


China. Ikea furniture store in Shanghai Xujiahui District sudden

China. Ikea furniture store in Shanghai Xujiahui District suddenly announced lockdown after the detection of 1 Covid positive. 300+ shoppers frantically pushed their way out to escape. Those who couldn't flee were kept inside for more than four hours before being quarantined. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy


Mass #surveillance continues to spread in #China.

Mass #surveillance continues to spread in #China. Authorities have installed surveillance cameras outside the doors of shops in Shanghai to check that people are scanning the QR code. The country has over 540 million cameras. #ZeroCovidPolicy


China. Feb 27,between the police and the public occurred in Hua

China. Feb 27,between the police and the public occurred in Hua County Anyang, Henan Province. It is reported that on the 20th, a local 24-year-old woman was hacked to death eight times by her husband. On the night of the 26th, it was suddenly rumored that the woman's body was stolen, leading to a large number of angry villagers going to the man's residence to demand an explanation, which eventually led to a mass clashes. Villagers overturned police vehicles and police used violence to beat villagers. Plus, the dead woman’s family was monitored and controlled by police. #China #protest

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