英文报道来了:“上海警方的数据库被出售,这可能是中国有史以来最大规模的数据泄露” Shanghai police database for sale in what could be China’s biggest ever data breach A database purportedly containing information about one billion Chinese residents has been listed for sale on Breach Forums for 10 Bitcoin, or approximately US$200,000. Attracting 177 replies and 300,000 views within hours, the listing was posted a short time ago by an anonymous user named ChinaDan. “In 2022, the Shanghai National Police (SHGA) database was leaked. This database contains many terabytes of data and information on Billions of Chinese citizens,” said the post. “Databases contain information on 1 Billion Chinese national residents and several billion case records, including: name, address, birthplace, national ID Number, mobile number, all crime/case details.” The seller has provided what he claims is a sample data set, with 750,000 files from the database. The sample data has been uploaded to the forum’s servers. #China #databreach

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