
英文报道来了:“上海警方的数据库被出售,这可能是中国有史以来最大规模的数据泄露” Shanghai police database for sale in what could be China’s biggest ever data breach A database purportedly containing information about one billion Chinese residents has been listed for sale on Breach Forums for 10 Bitcoin, or approximately US$200,000. Attracting 177 replies and 300,000 views within hours, the listing was posted a short time ago by an anonymous user named ChinaDan. “In 2022, the Shanghai National Police (SHGA) database was leaked. This database contains many terabytes of data and information on Billions of Chinese citizens,” said the post. “Databases contain information on 1 Billion Chinese national residents and several billion case records, including: name, address, birthplace, national ID Number, mobile number, all crime/case details.” The seller has provided what he claims is a sample data set, with 750,000 files from the database. The sample data has been uploaded to the forum’s servers. #China #databreach




英文报道来了:“上海警方的数据库被出售,这可能是中国有史以来最大规模的数据泄露” Shanghai police database for sale in what could be China’s biggest ever data breach A database purportedly containing information about one billion Chinese residents has been listed for sale on Breach Forums for Bitcoin, or approximately US$,. Attracting replies and , views within hours, the listing was posted a short time ago by an anonymous user named ChinaDan. “In , the Shanghai National Police (SHGA) database was leaked. This database contains many terabytes of data and information on Billions of Chinese citizens,” said the post. “Databases contain information on Billion Chinese national residents and several billion case records, including: name, address, birthplace, national ID Number, mobile number, all crime/case details.” The seller has provided what he claims is a sample data set, with , files from the database. The sample data has been uploaded to the forum’s servers. #China #databreach



近日有黑客声称出售上海公安数据库,包含十亿中国公民的信息。若事件属实,将会是中国有史以来最大规模的数据泄露。 6月30日8时,有位帐号名叫“ChinaDan”的用户在某论坛发布消息称:“上海公安数据库(SHGA.gov.cn)遭到泄露,数据详情有十亿中国公民信息和数十亿案件记录,包括姓名、地址、出生地、身份证、手机号及所有犯罪/案件详情。”该用户还称,“我以10比特币的价格出售所有这些数据。” 黑客发布的数据样本据称包括了75万条记录。除了个人信息外,网传截图显示,数据库信息还包含巨量且详尽的警情信息,涉及报案时间、报案人电话、报案人描述的具体事件内容等。例如,“2005年5月9日0时30许,被害人宁某某打110报案称:其被一男子尾随至海湾旅游区供销社商品房某号门口时,被该男子用手捂住嘴,抢走被害人随身携带的黄色拎包……”又如,“2018年7月27日,报警人在黄浦某小区,称有一个一米六的二十多岁山东口音女子在上址招嫖,无人望风,不方便指认,请民警到场处理。”数据最早可追溯至1995年。 《华尔街日报》记者通过电话号码对泄漏记录进行了核实,其中5人确认了包括报案细节在内的所有信息,另有4人在挂断电话前确认了诸如名字之类的基本信息。一名女士对泄漏的详细信息的准确性感到震惊,询问记者信息是否来自报案信息中她在2016年遗失的iPhone。一名曾被骗取3万元的男子在听到他的数据被泄漏后形容大家是在“裸奔”。不过也有几个号码无效或不再使用。 即使微博等社交媒体极力封锁消息,但仍引发大量关注。有网民呼吁官方回应:“震惊,也不知道真的假的,要假的赶紧辟谣啊!”“说实话我的信息泄露与否已经无所谓了,但掌握国家机密的人和科研人员的信息,这要泄露了,间谍窃听那简直不要太容易。” 上海当局尚未对该事件做出公开回应。上海市公安局、上海市政府新闻办和中国网信办没有立即回复置评请求。加密货币交易所币安创始人兼首席执行官赵长鹏周一称,该公司检测到来自一个亚洲国家的十亿公民记录被泄漏,增加了对潜在受影响用户的验证程序。不过他未具体说明是哪一个国家。 目前尚不清楚黑客是如何进入上海公安数据库的。网络安全专家在网上流行的一种解释称,此次入侵涉及第三方云服务。有说法称,他们通过托管该数据库的阿里云获得了访问权限。阿里巴巴称,正在调查该事件。 (星岛日报,华尔街日报,路透社,彭博社,Engadget)

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