A protest against contnment breaks out in the Hzhu district

A protest against containment breaks out in the Haizhu district of Guangzhou in southern China. More than 2,000 cases are detected every day in the city despite the "zero covid" policy, raising fears that restrictions will be tightened. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy



A demonstration against contnment turns into a revolt in the v

A demonstration against containment turns into a revolt in the village of Kangle in Guangdong, China. Authorities are imposing severe restrictions as more than 16,000 cases were detected today despite the zero-covid policy. More than 30,000 residents of villages in Guangdong's Haizhu district have been moved to quarantine centres. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy


Residents destroy a testing centre in Guangzhou, southern China.

Residents destroy a testing centre in Guangzhou, southern China. The severe restrictions of the zero-covid policy seem to be slowly approaching the threshold of acceptability. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy


A protest against the restrictions turns into a confrontation at

A protest against the restrictions turns into a confrontation at the world's largest iPhone factory in China. The workers use fire extinguishers to make the police back off. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest


A new demonstration against confinement breaks out tonight in Gu

A new demonstration against confinement breaks out tonight in Guangzhou, China. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest


Revolt against restrictions in Zhengzhou, China. iPhone factory

Revolt against restrictions in Zhengzhou, China. iPhone factory workers destroy PCR test booths. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest


The people of Guangzhou are also revolting against the very stri

The people of Guangzhou are also revolting against the very strict restrictions in the Haizhu district. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest

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