Chinese authorities are deploying large numbers of police to que

Chinese authorities are deploying large numbers of police to quell riots at the Zhengzhou iPhone factory against the tight restrictions. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest



Chinese police officers are fleeing tonight from workers at the

Chinese police officers are fleeing tonight from workers at the Zhengzhou iPhone factory. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest


A large number of police officers are deployed in the Haizhu dis

A large number of police officers are deployed in the Haizhu district of Guangdong, China, to quell a protest against lockdown. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy


Revolt against restrictions in Zhengzhou, China. iPhone factory

Revolt against restrictions in Zhengzhou, China. iPhone factory workers use barriers to advance towards the police and destroy surveillance cameras. 如果您错过了《》 #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest


Revolt against restrictions in Zhengzhou, China. iPhone factory

Revolt against restrictions in Zhengzhou, China. iPhone factory workers destroy PCR test booths. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest


A protest against the restrictions turns into a confrontation at

A protest against the restrictions turns into a confrontation at the world's largest iPhone factory in China. The workers use fire extinguishers to make the police back off. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest


Revolt against restrictions in Zhengzhou, China. iPhone factory

Revolt against restrictions in Zhengzhou, China. iPhone factory workers overturn a police car. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest

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