For several days crowds have been gathering across China and def

For several days crowds have been gathering across China and defying the authorities' ban on the use of fireworks. #China



Missile strikes and explosions have been reported in several par

Missile strikes and explosions have been reported in several parts of Ukraine, including the cities of Kyiv and Kharkiv. It comes as Russian forces launched a major military assault on the country, crossing its borders and bombing military targets. Warning sirens blared across the capital, Kyiv, which has a population of almost three million. Source: @BBCNews #Ukraine #Russia #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StayWithUkraine #StopRussianAggression #UkraineUnderAttack


In China, there has always been a theory that studying is useles

In China, there has always been a theory that studying is useless, and it is very popular. In today's China, a large number of students are unemployed the moment they leave campus. They cannot find a job. A large number of factories have moved out of China, taking away a large… via


At least six people have been killed and 81 wounded in an explos

At least six people have been killed and 81 wounded in an explosion in a busy area of central Istanbul, Turkish authorities have said. 土耳其 当局表示,在 伊斯坦布尔 市中心一个地区的爆炸中,至少有6人死亡,81人受伤。 恐怖袭击 #炸弹 #爆炸 新闻 推荐频道 @wxcnb_vip @fanchabbbb @baocaosaohuo @lieqibb @shuiguopai_vip


China. Protest suppressed by police in front of the Bank of Chin

China. Protest suppressed by police in front of the Bank of China in Zhengzhou. Thousands of small savers have been unable to withdraw money from their banks since April. Last month, the authorities deactivated the health pass of savers preparing to protest. #China #protest


【中国干旱】Poyang Lake, China's largest freshwater lake, has shrunk b

【中国干旱】Poyang Lake, China's largest freshwater lake, has shrunk by 75% due to drought. The country has been hit by a historic heatwave for more than 70 days. Record temperatures (up to 45°C) are drying up rivers and now threaten crops. The authorities fear for the country's food security. #China #ClimateCrisis


Guangzhou, China

Guangzhou, China More than simply "covid protests", the working class of China broke out into action in several places across the country over the past week. #China #Anarchism #protest

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