Vermilion Strike: Linux and Windows Re-implementation of Cobalt

Vermilion Strike: Linux and Windows Re-implementation of Cobalt Strike Key Findings -Discovered Linux & Windows re-implementation of Cobalt Strike Beacon written from scratch -Linux malware is fully undetected by vendors -Has IoC and technical overlaps with previously discovered Windows DLL files -Highly targeted with victims including telecommunications, government and finance Cobalt Strike is a popular red team tool for Windows which is also heavily used by threat actors. At the time of this writing, there is no official Cobalt Strike version for Linux. In August 2021, we at Intezer discovered a fully undetected ELF implementation of Cobalt Strike’s beacon, which we named Vermilion Strike. The stealthy sample uses Cobalt Strike’s Command and Control (C2) protocol when communicating to the C2 server and has Remote Access capabilities such as uploading files, running shell commands and writing to files. The malware is fully undetected in VirusTotal at the time of this writing and was uploaded from Malaysia. Based on telemetry with collaboration from our partners at McAfee Enterprise ATR, this Linux threat has been active in the wild since August targeting telecom companies, government agencies, IT companies, financial institutions and advisory companies around the world. Targeting has been limited in scope, suggesting that this malware is used in specific attacks rather than mass spreading. After further analysis, we found Windows samples that use the same C2. The samples are re-implementations of Cobalt Strike Beacon. The Windows and ELF samples share the same functionalities. The sophistication of this threat, its intent to conduct espionage, and the fact that the code hasn’t been seen before in other attacks, together with the fact that it targets specific entities in the wild, leads us to believe that this threat was developed by a skilled threat actor. In this post we will provide a technical analysis of the samples and explain how you can detect and respond to this threat. Samples: #vermilionstrike #cobaltstrike #windows #linux



支持 iCloud 同步的 Elpass for Windows/Linux 插件发布。

支持 iCloud 同步的 Elpass for Windows/Linux 插件发布。 Elpass 是一款 macOS、iOS 独占的一站式密码管理器,目前已支持在 Windows/Linux 下的 Chrome、Firefox 使用 iCloud 同步。


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#投稿 匿名投稿美国 INAP (Windows,Linux)

#投稿 匿名投稿 美国 INAP (Windows,Linux) 测试ip KVM虚拟化 20G DDOS保护 可搭建RDP IP解锁内容: ● 8 vCPU E5-26xx v2(高性能) ● 8G DDR3内存 ● 500G HDD ● IPv4 x1 ● 400Mbps 共享带宽 ● 无限 流量(合理使用) ● 位于美国纽约 ● 支持Windows,Linux 优惠后 ¥96.00RMB/月 (长期优惠) 新品优惠码(循环8折):INAP_A 新品仅有少量,补货后优惠码将失效 购买链接 群连接:@kuaiyun2 频道:@kuaiyun3


入侵:了解如何在 Windows 和 Linux 系统上提升权限

入侵:了解如何在 Windows 和 Linux 系统上提升权限 这本书是关于Windows和Linux系统权限升级过程的综合指南,通过向读者提供脆弱环境和虚拟机形式的真实练习和场景,旨在实现实用性和实践机会。 您将了解到: 权限升级过程以及从Windows到Linux的不同之处 了解如何建立一个虚拟的渗透测试实验室 如何在系统上获得最初的立足点 如何在目标系统上进行本地枚举 利用Windows和Linux系统的内核漏洞 通过掠夺密码和查找存储的凭证进行权限升级 利用Windows服务,如辅助登录服务来提升Windows权限 通过利用计划任务和SUID二进制文件提升Linux权限 …… 权限提升是攻击生命周期中的重要组成部分,是渗透测试整体成功的主要决定因素。权限提升在渗透测试过程中的重要性不能被夸大也不能被忽视。发展您的权限升级技能将使您成为一名优秀的渗透测试人员。 这本书使用虚拟环境,您可以下载这些环境来测试和运行工具和技术。每章都会以预构建的虚拟机 (VM) 的形式展示一个漏洞利用挑战。


MacOS鼠标指针皮肤 适用于Windows 和 Linux 的 macOS BigSur

MacOS鼠标指针皮肤 适用于Windows 和 Linux 的 macOS BigSur #Mac #Windows #软件 #Github



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