NVIDIA 请求板卡厂商将收集到的供电接口烧毁显卡寄回自家总部

NVIDIA 请求板卡厂商将收集到的供电接口烧毁显卡寄回自家总部 > NVIDIA director of global PR for GeForce, Bryan Del Rizzo, in a statement to The Verge, said that the company is in touch with the first owner who reported this problem, and is reaching out to the other, as part of their investigation. NVIDIA GeForce 全球公关负责人 Bryan Del Rizzo 向媒体 The Verge 表示,公司已经与第一位报告问题的消费者取得联系,并且正在试图联系其他受害者,以辅助调查。 召回吧,真的……


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