21 days until the bloody (literally) Beijing Olympics!

21 days until the bloody (literally) Beijing Olympics! While little can be done by stopping the game from happening now, do check out theand our friends @wethehongkongersand @students4hk because the fight for democracy doesn't end with the Olympics. TG @internationalfccp IG @internationalfuckccp Twitter @MenSuen #humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #北京冬奥 #杯葛2022北京冬奥 #解放西藏 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中营 #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光复香港



18 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

18 days #CountdownToBeijing2022 Remember how we started the fight. We are fighting for basic human rights that every human being deserves to have. We want our right to self-determination the freedom to determine our homelands' future. We know this is a long fight but we will never give up. That's right, the bloody tyranny CCP do not deserve the right to host the #Olympics. Let's join Typhoon from @speal_cornell in speaking up for the oppressed, and fight on until the day we get the freedom we deserve. Post by @students4hk @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp #humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #北京冬奥 #杯葛2022北京冬奥 #解放西藏 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中营 #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光复香港


5 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

5 days #CountdownToBeijing2022 The legendary human rights salute by Tommie Smith and John Carlos in the 1968 #Olympics is a remarkable moment that all Americans today would recall. Today the raised fist continues to be a sign to show solidarity with the Black community. Despite knowing that their action would face suspension from the IOC, Smith and Carlos carried through the struggle with their strength and courage. Their action demonstrates that athletes can make a difference using their influence with their own voice and platform. Posted by @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp @students4hk #humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #北京冬奥 #NoBeijing2022 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中营 #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光复香港


7 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

7 days #CountdownToBeijing2022 Let's not forget Hong Kong’s athletes who had to sacrifice their athletic career for the future of Hong Kong? Kwong Yuk-ming, a martial arts world champion, could have gone to the 2022 Asian Games to win medals for Hong Kong. Yet his athletic career could be over because he decided to defend Hong Kong’s freedoms and was sent to prison. Posted by @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp @students4hk #humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #北京冬奥 #NoBeijing2022 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中营 #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光复香港


17 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

17 days #CountdownToBeijing2022 Ethics > Medal! The Chinese Communist Party has always been trying to silence every dissenting voice. But we must not be silenced. As Chris from @hksamboston says, your voice matters! Will athletes be our hero by speaking up for those oppressed and silenced by the CCP tyranny? Post by @students4hk @internationalfccp @wethehongkongers #humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #北京冬奥 #杯葛2022北京冬奥 #解放西藏 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中营 #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光复香港


15 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

15 days #CountdownToBeijing2022 A common struggle unites us. We’ve connected with many allies and friends, and Beijing 2022 is only one of many fights. Alex from @nyuhksag says we need to keep listening, sharing, and showing up for each other in meaningful ways. Post by @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp @students4hk #humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #北京冬奥 #杯葛2022北京冬奥 #解放西藏 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中营 #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光复香港


Denmark to join diplomatic boycott of Beijing Olympics over huma

Denmark to join diplomatic boycott of Beijing Olympics over human rights. Now other European countries, and the EU itself, must do the same. Boycott #Beijing2022 and say No #GenocideGames News: #humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #北京冬奥 #杯葛2022北京冬奥 #解放西藏 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中营 #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光复香港

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