
港府前年向公关公司Consulum批出近5000万元的合约,研究「#香港重新出发」宣传策略。政府近日在没有公布下将报告上载到网站,连同传真社取得的研究简报,显示14个目标市场中,日本对香港观感最差,逾四成受访者被视为「遥不可及」,难被宣传影响。 HK gov’t paid PR firm Consulum US$5.7m to find out how to “relaunch" HK. According to data released by gov't and obtained by FactWire, HK may be a tough sell in Japan, where 43% respondents had such negative views of HK they're “unreachable”. Consulum的研究为「香港重新出发」制订核心信息,宣传香港作为直通内地市场的大都会。最接受这个定位的国家是印尼、阿联酋、泰国和越南,最不受落的则是日本、德国和英国。 Consulum drew up a core message that sells HK as a cosmopolitan city with direct access to the Chinese market and asked the interviewees if they think the message was believable. Indonesia was the most accepting of the message, while Japan showed lowest net belief. 中文报道: English story: #国际公关研究 #两制已亡 #自治全失 #调查 #统计 #没有两国何来两制 #港共落地狱 #卖港贼冚家亡


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