党媒CGTN帮俄罗斯在香港FB卖广告 宣传利俄观点
党媒CGTN帮俄罗斯在香港FB卖广告 宣传利俄观点 中国党媒CGTN (China Global TV Network) 被发现在Facebook 投放了21个广告,大部分都是关于「俄乌冲突」新闻片段及中国官方的新闻稿。 经翻查,新闻片段除了坚持使用 "Russia-Ukraine Conflict" 字眼形容战事,还加插俄军在乌克兰的「好人好事」,包括记者声称见到了俄军往乌克兰运送了大量人道救援物资,亦安排了俄罗斯专家解释发起「特别军事行动」的原因是要保护乌克兰人,让他们免受政府恐吓。 China Global TV Network (CGTN), a state-controlled media has been found to have been running ads on Meta-owned Facebook, targeting global users with pro-Russian viewpoints about the war. The ads include footages in which the journalist claims to have witnessed Russia delivering 430 tons of humanitarian aid into the Donbas region of Ukraine. An article, citing source from the Russia defence ministry, reports that evidence of U.S-funded bio-program in Ukraine has been revealed. Another interview footage has included a Russian expert explaining the reason of the military operation is to free Ukrainian from government threats. Posted by IG @hkladyliberty #ukraine #russia #standwithukraine #prayforukraine #党媒 #EvilCCP #NeverTrustCCP

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