The nightmare Britain would be living if Zero Covid zealots had

The nightmare Britain would be living if Zero Covid zealots had got their way: China and Hong Kong's Communist regimes are STILL trying to eliminate the virus 如果当日采取Covid Zero拥护者𠮶套,英国现时仲活响地狱:中国和香港嘅共产政权『依然』尝试消灭病毒 News: 如今香港同鬼国嘅失败清零,俾晒机会外国势力取笑。 英国最畅销嘅报章《Daily Mail》,昨日报导中国同香港疫情,表面上系利用数据同专家访问分析原因,比较疫苗注种率同速度,各种疫苗对Omicron嘅成效,实际上唔只串当日拥护Covid Zero嘅西方专家,言词中更有一报当日英国被耻笑之仇。 直至星期日嘅数据,每一百万人就接近38个死于病毒,比英国最差嘅时候仲多两倍。 依家超强传染力嘅Omicron同BA.2变种已经突破中国嘅极严格Zero Covid政策,原因系自家研发水准以下嘅疫苗,同时社会缺乏自然免疫力。 Now the ultra-infectious Omicron and BA.2 variants have broken through China's super-strict Zero Covid restrictions due to subpar vaccines Chinese vaccines and a lack of natural immunity. 响疫情初期已经反对清零嘅西方科学家有啲「沾沾自喜」,系度等住东方呢类政策崩坏。 Western scientists who opposed zero Covid in the early days of the pandemic 'might feel a little smug' watching the policy unravel in the East. #DailyMail #清零 #苛政猛于疫情 #武汉肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共祸患 #祸港正苦



清零帝盗零 Zero Covid Thief

清零帝盗零 Zero Covid Thief Art by twitter @Cian_Ci #清零 #苛政猛于病毒 #武汉肺炎 #人祸比天灾更可怕 #支共祸患 #CCPvirus#chinaliedpeopledied #NeverTrustCCP #SayNoToChina


零成本传播Zero-covid costs spread

零成本传播 Zero-covid costs spread 中国领导人习近平决定坚持清零政策,虽然该政策在2020年曾奏效,但如今并未阻止Omicron的传播,导致上海、深圳和北京等45个城市实行封锁,影响近4亿人。在全球经济因货物短缺、通货膨胀和俄乌冲突的影响下,中国受到的经济损害正蔓延到美国、欧洲、日本和其他国家。 Chinese leader Xi Jinping's decision to stick with a zero-covid policy that worked in 2020 but has not stopped the spread of the Omicron variant has brought lockdowns in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing among 45 mainland cities, affecting nearly 400 million people. The economic damage to China is now spilling over to U.S., Europe, Japan and others in a global economy struggling with shortages, inflation and the Ukraine conflict. #变态辣椒漫画 #全球经济 #支共揽炒世界 #防疫措施 #清零 #封城 #苛政猛于病毒 #武汉肺炎 #人祸比天灾更可怕 #支共祸患 #CCPvirus


‘Dynamic zero-Covid policy’ under scrutiny in region with highes

‘Dynamic zero-Covid policy’ under scrutiny in region with highest death rate in developed world #柒出国际 #清零 #死亡率 #武汉肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共祸患 #祸港正苦


Source: Channel C HK @channelchk

Source: Channel C HK @channelchk #检测 #COVID19 #变种病毒 #Omicron #Delta #防疫措施 #限聚令 #疫苗通行证 #苛政猛于疫情 #暴力清零 #铁腕清零 #抗疫为名 #武汉肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共祸患 #祸港正苦 #港共落地狱 依家嘅你,排紧队检测?剪头发?定系买菜? 做紧乜都好,Channel C帮你refresh下最新「防疫措施」啦


防疫猛于虎Posted by #自由港

防疫猛于虎 Posted by #自由港 自疫情爆发后,是否应该接种疫苗一直存在争议,以致衍生各种争拗,虽然我哋向来甚少提及有关武汉肺炎嘅事,但今日想同大家讲一讲关于打针同防疫政策嘅睇法。 #疫苗 #武汉肺炎 #苛政猛于疫情 #暴力清零 #铁腕清零 #抗疫为名 #支那病毒 #支共祸患 #祸港正苦 #港共落地狱


China plays lonely game of Covid whack-a-hamster

China plays lonely game of Covid whack-a-hamster #Reuters #路透 Full article: // 路透社19日有篇文章,作者以「China plays lonely game of Covid whack-a-hamster(中国玩孤独的Covid打仓鼠游戏)」为题,讥评中国「清零」政策下五光十色的怪现象,包括特区政府扑杀二千仓鼠、北京离奇指控国外邮件播疫等。光是标题已够讽刺了。// 冯睎干十三维度全文: #暴力清零 #铁腕清零 #苛政猛于疫情 #武汉肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共祸患 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #全党死清光 #chinaliedpeopledied

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