The nightmare Britain would be living if Zero Covid zealots had
The nightmare Britain would be living if Zero Covid zealots had got their way: China and Hong Kong's Communist regimes are STILL trying to eliminate the virus 如果当日采取Covid Zero拥护者𠮶套,英国现时仲活响地狱:中国和香港嘅共产政权『依然』尝试消灭病毒 News: 如今香港同鬼国嘅失败清零,俾晒机会外国势力取笑。 英国最畅销嘅报章《Daily Mail》,昨日报导中国同香港疫情,表面上系利用数据同专家访问分析原因,比较疫苗注种率同速度,各种疫苗对Omicron嘅成效,实际上唔只串当日拥护Covid Zero嘅西方专家,言词中更有一报当日英国被耻笑之仇。 直至星期日嘅数据,每一百万人就接近38个死于病毒,比英国最差嘅时候仲多两倍。 依家超强传染力嘅Omicron同BA.2变种已经突破中国嘅极严格Zero Covid政策,原因系自家研发水准以下嘅疫苗,同时社会缺乏自然免疫力。 Now the ultra-infectious Omicron and BA.2 variants have broken through China's super-strict Zero Covid restrictions due to subpar vaccines Chinese vaccines and a lack of natural immunity. 响疫情初期已经反对清零嘅西方科学家有啲「沾沾自喜」,系度等住东方呢类政策崩坏。 Western scientists who opposed zero Covid in the early days of the pandemic 'might feel a little smug' watching the policy unravel in the East. #DailyMail #清零 #苛政猛于疫情 #武汉肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共祸患 #祸港正苦

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