今日证明,我哋一直嘅坚持喺有用的: Our eyes met as an old Ukrainian man handed us the Ukrainian flag. "Hongkongers deserve this. Thank you." He said. "Thank you. Hong Kong is not China." Another Ukrainian said as they looked at our signs. "Hong Kong will be independent one day." 我哋要继续战斗,以星星之火去抵抗黑暗,揭露中共、俄罗斯等专制独裁者嘅一切暴行。 We must continue to fight, to resist the darkness and be a penetrating light that exposes all the atrocities committed by authoritarian oppressors like the CCP and Russians. Sometimes what seems like a small act may mean a lot to those suffering. Posted by 温哥华手足 VAHK IG @vanactivistshk #Vancouver #Canada #StandWithUkraine #StandWithHongKong

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