英国军情五处(MI5)1月13日向国会发出警告,点名来自香港的英籍律师李贞驹(Christine Ching Kui Lee)为
英国军情五处(MI5)1月13日向国会发出警告,点名来自香港的英籍律师李贞驹(Christine Ching Kui Lee)为中共中央统战部工作,与国会议员建立联系,渗透国会进行政治干预。到近日英国《泰晤士报》(The Times)再揭露,最少两个收取英国政府拨款支援移英港人的组织,疑被中共渗透,其中「伯明翰华人社区中心」(Chinese Community Centre-Birmingham),背后与李贞驹关系千丝万缕。《追新闻》早前追踪报道李贞驹在英国由起家到在政圈布置谍网的经过,现将报道影片免费播放。 MI5 issued a security alert to the Parliament on January 13, naming a lawyer from Hong Kong, Christine Ching Kui Lee, as an agent working for China’s United Front Department. She tried to establish contacts with members of Parliament with the aim of infiltrating British politics. She was alleged to have given more than £670,000 in donation to an MP and his political party since 2005. She set up the British Chinese Project to raise funds for ethnic Chinese organizations in the UK. Full story in English: #追新闻 中文全文: IG @the_chaser_news #李贞驹 #中央统战部 #渗透 #间谍 #UK

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