#612三周年 #六四悼念 #多伦多 #Canada
#612三周年 #六四悼念 #多伦多 #Canada 又到六月,世界各地嘅香港人都有举行唔同嘅活动,多伦多亦都唔例外!所以我哋整合咗多伦多嘅香港人日程表比大家参考。如果对活动有咩问题,欢迎联络翻主办单位。 It’s finally June! Hong Kongers around the globe have started organizing events, and Toronto is no exception. OHKYA have compiled a Hong Kongers in Toronto schedule for everyone’s use. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact the organizers of respective events Source: IG @ohkya FB @ohkyaction Website:

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