#612三周年 #UK #Nottingham #游行

#612三周年 #UK #Nottingham #游行 We stand! Say no to totalitarianism! - Protest March 六一二「起来,向极权说不」大游行 Date: June 12th Sunday Time: 1p.m - 3p.m Route: Depart from the Old Market Square, via Justice museum, arrive at Nottingham City Council and submit the petition. Source: Nottingham Stands With Hong Kong fb Link: June 12th signifies “Fight against tyranny with courage” to Hongkongers, in remembrance of the 612 Hong Kong Protest. NSWHK is hosting an anti-totalitarianism march in Nottingham, to express the public's determination to stand against China’s totalitarianism. 612 对香港人的意义是”站起来以勇气对抗暴政”,因此为了记住香港人曾以行动去对抗极权。NSWHK 将于6 月12日在诺定咸市举行反极权游行,让公众表达反对中国支持极权主义的立场。 Please come and stand in solidarity with us, to fight for freedom and democracy of the world. 请与我们一同站出来,为世界自由民主价值而战。



#612三周年 #Australia #Brisbane

#612三周年 #Australia #Brisbane Venue: Reddacliff Place, Brisbane Date: 12/6/2022 Time: 4:30pm-6pm 六一二 · 如水再聚 · 莫失莫忘 · 澳洲布里斯本 June 12th - Be Water, Be United Rally @Brisbane, Australia 今个星期日 (六月十二日) HKIA Brisbane 将会举办 六一二 「如水再聚 ,莫失莫忘」集会,纪念反送中运动三周年,延续抗争运动,对抗极权。 The HKIA Brisbane will be organising a rally this Sunday (June 12th, 2022) to commemorate the 3rd year anniversary of the anti-extradition bill movement in Hong Kong, and to show unity against the Chinese Communist Party dictatorship. 详情: Source: IG @hkiabrisbane


#612三周年 #Australia #Protest #默站

#612三周年 #Australia #Protest #默站 [612 - Be Water. Be United] We will be hosting a silent protest this coming Sunday to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of 612, a significant date in Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement. Details below: Date: 12th June, 2022, Sunday Time: 2.30 - 4.00pm Location: Rundle Mall Please bring your own protest materials and slogans on the day. We will see you then! Source: IG @adlswhk #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong #bewaterbeunited


如水再聚 莫失莫忘- 612三周年集会

如水再聚 莫失莫忘- 612三周年集会 BE WATER · BE UNITED - 612 3rd Anniversary Rally Every moment of 12 June 2019 in Hong Kong is still fresh in our memory! We must therefore unite and continue to tell the world how our freedom and human rights are exploited and taken away by the repressive government. Don’t let the lies cover the truth! This is the day when we declare our determination to fight against the totalitarian dictator. 纵然痛,我们仍要如水聚在一起,向世界揭示极权剥削自由人权的恶行,勿让谎言淹没真相。 我们要向世界宣告我们不会失却抗争的意志,坚持对抗极权! 雷丁香港人612集会,到时见! Reading Hongkongers, Be united and join the rally! See you there! Date: 12 June 2022 Time: 12:45 to 13:30 Venue: Reading Town Hall Square #612三周年 #Reading #UK Source: Reading UK Stands with Hong Kong fb


#612三周年 #Canada #集会

#612三周年 #Canada #集会 // 人与极权嘅抗争,就系记忆与遗忘嘅抗争。// // Resistance against totalitarianism, is a constant struggle to maintain the truth and fight against memories being forgotten // 612大家一齐企返出嚟 记住一直被强权欺压嘅手足 唔好俾加拿大舒适嘅环境令到我哋习惯 因为我哋唔会惯! On June 12, let's gather and remember our comrades still under oppression. Don't let the comfort of a peaceful life in Canada numb us to the harsh realities of our resistance and our identity. We cannot get used to this! We shall not weary, we shall not rest We shall not relent, we shall prevail. Source: IG @vanactivistshk


Newcastle 612三周年集会

Newcastle 612三周年集会 June 12th Be Water Rally Post on IG @newcastlestandswithhk 是次参与活动人数最高峰时期为约200人。 活动的另一个主题是「对抗中共极权主义」,NSWHK在集会中宣布了将会推行的「呼吁纽卡素市议会终止与太原市之姊妹城市关系」计划,并与出席的councillor初步商讨了向Council推行的可行性,详细情形将于细节落实后向大家公布,我们希望此行动能将「对抗中共极权主义」的主题实行,并籍此连结本地人共同抗共。 We had around 200 participants at the peak of the rally. One of the themes of the rally was ‘Resist China’s Totalitarianism’. We announced our plan to launch the ‘Call on Newcastle City Council to terminate sister city relationship with Taiyuan, China’ campaign. We briefly discussed with the councillor the feasibility of the campaign yesterday. More information on the campaign will be announced once we finalised the details. We hope that this campaign can actualise the concept of ‘Resist China’s Totalitarianism’ and connect with our local friends to stand against totalitarianism together. 光复香港,时代革命! Stand with Hong Kong, Resist China’s totalitarianism! #英国 #集会 #遍地开花 #UK #newcastle


#612三周年 #UK #birmingham #展览

#612三周年 #UK #birmingham #展览 “The Cost of Freedom – Why We Fled Hong Kong” Arts Exhibition 612 三周年特别活动:「自由何价 – 出走香港」艺术展览 11th & 12th June 2022 1100-1800 Pinsent Masons 1, Midlands Arts Centre 「点解你要离开香港?」是所有在英港人经常回答的问题。「自由何价・出走香港」艺术展览选择在2019香港爆发的反送中运动三周年的日子举行,透过展出在英香港人所创作的艺术品,向英国主流社会阐述香港人出走异乡的生命故事。 Post on IG @birmingham.hongkongers

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