Three years ago today, on June 9, 2019, a million people took to

Three years ago today, on June 9, 2019, a million people took to the streets and protested against the Extradition Bill. Hong Kong has since then become a battleground against the authoritarian regime. Hongkongers have never stopped fighting for freedom, democracy, and justice. Post by twitter #反修例运动 #反送中游行 #一百万人大游行 #抗争三年 #毋忘抗争 #毋忘初衷



5 years ago today 9 JUN 2019

5 years ago today 9 JUN 2019 民阵发起反对修订《逃犯条例》第三次游行,103万港人上街,掀起反送中运动序幕。港府当晚宣布6.12如期二读辩论,及后凌晨部份示威者试图占领立法会大楼,防暴警察出动驱散。 #反送中5周年 #AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #反送中 #逃犯条例 #毋忘抗争 #反送中5周年 #毋忘2019


2019.6.9Over a million people joined the mass protest against th

2019.6.9 Over a million people joined the mass protest against the Hong Kong government’s controversial extradition bill on the day. 主办团体民间人权阵线表示当日超过103万人参与了大游行,同日海外29个城市举行集会声援。 Protestors chose to stay near the government headquarter. A conflict between police and protestors took place at midnight. 大批市民入夜后继续留守政府总部,并于凌晨时分与警方发生冲突。 #毋忘2019 #抗争四年 #反修例 #毋忘抗争 #一百万大游行


June 12 2019 Revolution of our times Three years ago Hong Kong w

June 12 2019 Revolution of our times Three years ago Hong Kong was forever changed. Post on ig @bauhiniasforfreedom #hkprotest #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #612三周年 #hongkonger #fightforfreedom #democracynow #抗争三年 #愿荣光归香港


反送中三周年:2019年6月16日 • 二百万零一人大游行

反送中三周年:2019年6月16日 • 二百万零一人大游行 Third Anniversary of the Anti-Extradition Movement: Two Million and One Protesters on June 16, 2019 Post on IG Full article: #二百万加一 #616大游行 #勿忘初衷 #毋忘初心 #拒绝麻木#neverforget #neverforgive


Source: In November 2019, #HongKong was shocked by how the unscr

Source: In November 2019, #HongKong was shocked by how the unscrupulous police stormed a university campuswith teargas and bullets. News of the the attack on #CUHK did not only shake the entire city, but also brought back traumatic memories of #TiananmenMassacre, how 30 years ago, armed soldiers gunned down students fighting for #democracy. According to a phone-in programme on 881903 after the #DistrictCouncil election later in the same month, many first time voters cast their ballots against the pro-#Beijing councillors because they were astounded by the CUHK, and later #PolyU siege. - #HK #university #standwithhongkong #china #CCP #黎明行动 #西湾河 #枪杀人 #毋忘 #你还记得吗 #黑警死全家

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