"Amendment Bill Crisis" Involved Terrorist Acts, Says New Hong K

"Amendment Bill Crisis" Involved Terrorist Acts, Says New Hong Kong Textbooks June 2022 marks the third anniversary of the beginning of the 2019 protests against the Extradition Law Amendment Bill (ELAB). Ming Pao reviewed four newly released textbooks from three publishers, and found that they mentioned these protests as background information for the enactment of the #NationalSecurityLaw. The textbooks only said that "severe, violent incidents" took place in 2019, and asserted that the "amendment bill crisis" involved "violent acts of terrorism involving various illegal acts". Two textbooks further alleged that "the Central Government considered it involved interference by foreign forces", that opposition forces and organizations inciting Hong Kong independence invited foreign interference, and so on. Source: Ming Pao #Brainwashing #AntiELAB #HongKongProtests #焚书坑儒 #洗脑教育 #抹杀历史



2019.6.12 HK Extradition Bill Protests

2019.6.12 HK Extradition Bill Protests Hong Kong Police crazy attacked the girl protester Do you still remember? 你还记得吗? #反送中 #毋忘抗争 #反送中5周年 #毋忘2019 #PoliceBrutality


Rare scenes of protest in Hong Kong emerged

Rare scenes of protest in Hong Kong emerged A group of citizens gathered in Central, the busiest commercial area, and held blank papers. Police arrived and protestors' IDs were marked. It's been a long time since protests are staged in the streets after NSL. Photo credit: Ming Pao #中环 #白纸悼念 #新疆 #乌鲁木齐 #王婆婆 #乌鲁木齐大火 #白纸革命 #A4Revolution #遍地开花 #共产党下台


#WEBINAR | Hong Kong: Crackdown on Christians

#WEBINAR | Hong Kong: Crackdown on Christians China’s Communist Party overlords are preparing to crackdown on Christians in Hong Kong. Recent articles published in CCP-controlled media have called out Catholic Cardinal Joseph Zen and Christian schools for promoting and supporting massive 2019-2020 extradition law protests. Join us February 17th for an important panel discussion on these dangerous developments in Hong Kong. Reserve your spot today. Registration is required to attend. Event page: #宗教自由 #清算 #支共暴政 #中共极权 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #NeverTrustCCP


Inside Hong Kong's Fight for Freedom | Faceless | The Short List

Inside Hong Kong's Fight for Freedom | Faceless | The Short List Full film: // Admin私心推介,全长2小时27分钟,不逊于其他得奖的反送中纪录片,希望你能够抽时间观赏。// Faceless is an intimate portrayal of four young protestors in Hong Kong struggling to protect their freedom and way of life under the shadow of authoritarianism. Following characters simply known as the Daughter, the Believer, the Student and the Artist, the film documents the stories of the individuals whose lives are upended as protests against a controversial extradition bill engulf Hong Kong. #没有从天而降的英雄 #只有挺身而出的凡人 #反送中 #纪录片 #FightForFreedom #Faceless #理大围城 #前线 #勇武 #中大保卫战 #Teargas #五大诉求 #警暴 #光复香港时代革命 #没有暴徒只有暴政


香港大学新闻及传媒研究中心辖下的「中国传媒研究计划」近日披露,纪录片《春,又见香港》(Spring, Seeing Hong K

香港大学新闻及传媒研究中心辖下的「中国传媒研究计划」近日披露,纪录片《春,又见香港》(Spring, Seeing Hong Kong Again)从制作团队、访谈内容以至声称参展法国康城影展等,均有伪造之嫌。 文章指,片中再邀请多名身份不明的民众受访,盛赞中国人才济济、「粤港澳大湾区」计划造就香港繁荣,几乎都是明褒中国、暗贬民主的内容。同时又批评2019年「反送中」示威令他们工作和生活不便等。 该电影今年6月在《GlobeNewswire》登新闻稿,以「《春,又见香港》在法国康城电影节(Cannes Film Festival)引起热议」开头,又指其在「Prague Film Festival」荣获「最佳纪录片」奖项。文中又指制作团队扬言「观众在放映3分钟后纷纷拍掌,他们对焕然一新的香港形象感到惊艳」。声称获《Film Festivals》评论员Siraj Syed推荐:「这不是一次专业制作,但它是制作团队付出爱的劳作。」 不过,香港大学的「中国传媒研究计划」指,「电影最有趣的,是其演出和制作人员名单,几乎无法办认是否真有其人」。该片不仅并无说明制作公司,连制作班底也都是难以查找的「外国姓名」人士,即使确有其人,但亦被当事人「割席」,否认参与。 而该电影从未在「康城电影节」播出,而是在付费就可获安排放映的「康城电影市场展」(Cannes Marché du Films)。又有网民和捷克媒体《Deník N》发现所谓的「布拉格电影节」并不存在,当时只有两个观众入场,而电影宣传照也是从图库中取得。 #大外宣 #春又见香港 #造假 #NeverTrustCCP #纪录片 #康城影展 报导:自由亚洲粤语 @rfacantonese

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