自 #国安法 实施以来,共八名工运组织者因他们参与工会及民主运动而被检控,至今已被未审先囚逾一年。未经审讯而被长期羁柙令被告未能
自 #国安法 实施以来,共八名工运组织者因他们参与工会及民主运动而被检控,至今已被未审先囚逾一年。未经审讯而被长期羁柙令被告未能获得公平审讯,有违《公民权利及政治权利国际公约》等国际人权法及标准。 Since the imposition of the National Security Law in Hong Kong, 8 union organisers have been prosecuted before of their role in their trade union of their involvement in Hong Kong #Democracy movement. They have been held behind bars over a year. The lengthy pre-trial detention impedes the right to a fair trial and contravenes international human rights laws and standards such as International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). #李卓人 #吴敏儿 #余慧明 #黎雯龄 #杨逸意 #伍巧怡 #陈源森 #方梓皓 #工会运动 #LabourRights Full report: Post on ig @HKLabourRights

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