#威权统治 两年下的香港工运

#威权统治 两年下的香港工运 HK Union Movement under two yerar of #authoritarian rule 香港工会运动在过去 #国安法 实施两年来面对前所未有的挑战,尽管现时政治气氛令人窒息,但工人反抗剥削的Q抗争并无终止,留任的组织者承受著巨大的心理压力,仍然有工人有意愿和能力自行组织起来争取权益,他们需要我们的声援,将他们的声音带到国际。 Hong Kong’s independent trade union movement face unprecedented suppression under the Hong Kong National Security Law (#NSL). However, Hong Kong’s courageous labour #activists are still experimenting innovative ways standing up for their rights. Let their voices be heard. Amplify their voices across the world. Full report: IG @HKLabourRights #香港劳权监察 #HKLabourRights #国际线 #海外港人 #国安法 #NationalSecurityLaw #LabourRights #TradeUnion



香港劳权监察在《#国安法》生效前夕发表研究报告,剖析当局如何利用《国安法》赶绝香港的独立 #工会运动,起诉工会组织者、威吓工会组

香港劳权监察在《#国安法》生效前夕发表研究报告,剖析当局如何利用《国安法》赶绝香港的独立 #工会运动,起诉工会组织者、威吓工会组织运作,亦会透过官方媒体抹黑、派出中间人以「约谈」等形式要胁,迫使工会组织自行解散。 自《国安法》实施以来,至少有 62 个工会被迫 #解散,一个工会被取缔撤销登记,另有11名工会组织者被捕或被检控。 Hong Kong Labour Rights Monitor published report "Hong Kong Trade Union Movement under the National Security Law: Two years into the authoritarian rule", exactly two years since the Beijing-imposed legislation took effect. The report documented the authorities’ have waged a campaign of repression, with union leaders detained, legitimate union activities restricted, and intimidation and harassment to force unions to disband. Since the introduction of the #NSL on 30 June 2020, at least 62 unions have been forced to disband; one trade union’s registration was revoked, and 11 union organisers have been arrested or charged Full report: IG @HKLabourRights #打工仔 #LabourRights #Activism



【两党共40名参议员提有关香港决议草案】 【Bipartisan Introduction of the Hong Kong Resolution】 On March 15, U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-ID) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ) introduced a non-binding Hong Kong resolution condemning the CCP's destruction of Hong Kong's democratic institutions and rule of law. The resolution has bipartisan support from 38 other senators, including longtime allies of Hong Kong's democracy movement such as Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL). The Senate resolution specifically condemns the National Security Law, as well as the Hong Kong government's politically motivated prosecutions of key activists and civil society leaders. It also urges the U.S. government to use all possible means available to respond to the CCP's attacks on Hong Kong's autonomy. Posted by @hkdc.us #US #参议院外交关系委员会 #国安法 #StandWithHongKong #香港决议草案



国安法实施两年,香港变得怎样了?《山道》整合各方面的数据,让读者可以更清晰了解香港这两年来的转变。 IG @hillway.culture 全文: // 政府统计处最新数据显示,香港人口数目约为741万人。另外入境处数字显示,由2020年7月1日(国安法生效首日)起计,香港居民经机场净离境人数至今年7月1日已达36.2万人,比居住在油尖旺区的居民(2021人口统计:31万人)还要更多。// // 截止7月3日,有126人正被控违反《港区国安法》,在已结案的9宗案件中,12名被告全被定罪,定罪率为100%。去年被激活的「煽动罪」,被终审法院裁定《国安法》保释门槛适用于煽动罪,正被控煽动罪的18人当中,只有两人获准保释。 据「世界正义工程」公布的2022「法治指数」排名,香港排第19名,比2019年下跌3名;「基本人权」则排第54名,比2019年下跌21名。// #国安法 #美丽新香港 #移民潮 #消失的香港 #法治笑话



香港人一起走过的五一游行 The Labour Day rallies Hong Kongers walked together. 由亚洲金融风暴、沙士、码头工潮、雨伞运动,至2019年反修例运动,伴随著社会经历的风风雨雨,每年五一劳动节,香港人都走上街头争取劳工权益。但在港区国安法下,打工仔连和平集会的机会也被剥夺。 和平集会是基本人权。 Hong Kongers took to the street every year on International Workers’ Day. Not this year. Workers in Hong Kong are denied the right to organise a Labour Day rally. The right to peaceful assembly is a fundamental human right. Follow IG @hklabourrights #HKLabourRights #香港劳权监察 #五一游行 #劳动节 #五一劳动节 #五一 #Internationalworkersday #Mayday #Maydayrally #labourday #video


欧洲议会非正式香港监察小组就国安法三周年联署 敦促释放政治犯并制裁中港官员

欧洲议会非正式香港监察小组就国安法三周年联署 敦促释放政治犯并制裁中港官员 European Parliament Informal Hong Kong Watch Group Publishes Joint Letter on the Anniversary of the National Security Law 呼吁争取释放因《国安法》而被扣押的人 敦促追究中港官员的责任、审核在欧盟的资产、实施指名制裁 Today, the Informal European Parliament Informal Hong Kong Watch Group published a Joint Letter Condemning the Three-Year Anniversary of the Hong Kong National Security Law. The group was established in 2020 to coordinate action to support the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong. 今天,欧洲议会非正式香港监察小组发出联署信,谴责《港区国安法》实施三周年。小组于2020年成立,旨在协调支持香港民主运动的行动。 小组致函欧盟委员会主席冯德莱恩(Ursula von der Leyen),呼吁欧洲成员国和欧盟委员会努力争取立即释放所有因《国安法》而被扣押的人,并要求中港当局结束在香港上演的政治审讯。 信函最后敦促欧盟委员会和理事会考虑采取措施追究中港官员的责任,审核他们在欧盟的资产,并在欧盟全球人权制裁机制下实施指名制裁。 #欧洲议会 #EuropeanParliament #国安法 #制裁 #政治审讯


自 #国安法 实施以来,共八名工运组织者因他们参与工会及民主运动而被检控,至今已被未审先囚逾一年。未经审讯而被长期羁柙令被告未能

自 #国安法 实施以来,共八名工运组织者因他们参与工会及民主运动而被检控,至今已被未审先囚逾一年。未经审讯而被长期羁柙令被告未能获得公平审讯,有违《公民权利及政治权利国际公约》等国际人权法及标准。 Since the imposition of the National Security Law in Hong Kong, 8 union organisers have been prosecuted before of their role in their trade union of their involvement in Hong Kong #Democracy movement. They have been held behind bars over a year. The lengthy pre-trial detention impedes the right to a fair trial and contravenes international human rights laws and standards such as International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). #李卓人 #吴敏儿 #余慧明 #黎雯龄 #杨逸意 #伍巧怡 #陈源森 #方梓皓 #工会运动 #LabourRights Full report: Post on ig @HKLabourRights

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