There are no more big protests in #HongKong, but we haven’t forg

There are no more big protests in #HongKong, but we haven’t forgotten our fight for freedom and the price we paid. Credit: TG @internationalfccp #721Yuenlong #毋忘721 #警黑勾结 #721元朗恐袭 #721唔见人 #白衣人 #警黑合作 #警谎



【#麦麦记念日子 】「我们知道他们在说谎,他们也知道自己是说谎,

【#麦麦记念日子 】 「我们知道他们在说谎,他们也知道自己是说谎, 他们也知道我们知道他们在说谎, 我们也知道他们知道我们知道他们说谎, 但是他们依然在说谎。」原句改篇自Elena Gorokhova, A Mountain of Crumbs: The rules are simple: they lie to us, we know they're lying, they know we know they're lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them. by IG @hkcropcircle #谎言说一千遍也不会成为真相 #毋忘721 #721元朗恐袭 #721唔见人 #白衣人 #警黑合作 #警谎


IG @nswhongkongers

IG @nswhongkongers A police force who refuses to protect innocent citizens based on their perceived political opinion is nothing more than a group of cowards. Here's a recap of what happened two years ago: We will never forget. 一支因为预设政治立场而拒绝保护无辜市民的警队,只不过是一群懦夫。这是两年前721事件的回顾,马上分享给你的本地朋友,一起记著这群懦夫: #毋忘721 #721元朗恐袭 #721唔见人 #白衣人 #警黑合作 #警谎


一个坐满Victoria Square楼梯的黄昏

一个坐满Victoria Square楼梯的黄昏 2022年8月31日,约400多人参与「8.31 列斯香港人集会」,有老、有幼,携著鲜花与蜡烛,悼念一众香港抗争活动之死伤者。当「港共」继续扼杀任何在港港人悼念之权利与自由时,离散港人定必毋忘初衷,继续抗争。 On 31 August 2022, about 400 people participated in the 831 Leeds Hongkongers Assembly. They commemorated the causalties in the protests in Hong Kong with flowers and candles. While the Communist Party oppressed our right and freedom to mourn the deceased in Hong Kong, we shall never forget our intention and keep on fighting for freedom. Source: HongKongers in Leeds Bio: #Leeds #UK #毋忘831 #英国 #集会 #外国港人势力 #太子恐袭 #警谎 #党铁 #黑警 #警暴

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