一个坐满Victoria Square楼梯的黄昏

一个坐满Victoria Square楼梯的黄昏 2022年8月31日,约400多人参与「8.31 列斯香港人集会」,有老、有幼,携著鲜花与蜡烛,悼念一众香港抗争活动之死伤者。当「港共」继续扼杀任何在港港人悼念之权利与自由时,离散港人定必毋忘初衷,继续抗争。 On 31 August 2022, about 400 people participated in the 831 Leeds Hongkongers Assembly. They commemorated the causalties in the protests in Hong Kong with flowers and candles. While the Communist Party oppressed our right and freedom to mourn the deceased in Hong Kong, we shall never forget our intention and keep on fighting for freedom. Source: HongKongers in Leeds Bio: #Leeds #UK #毋忘831 #英国 #集会 #外国港人势力 #太子恐袭 #警谎 #党铁 #黑警 #警暴



过百热心人士参加由列斯手足连线举办的 612 四周年《虽为自由人,未忘笼中鸟》活动。感谢大家站出来,证明我们虽然身在英国,但未会

过百热心人士参加由列斯手足连线举办的 612 四周年《虽为自由人,未忘笼中鸟》活动。感谢大家站出来,证明我们虽然身在英国,但未会遗忘失去自由的手足。 Thank you all for participating in the "612 4th anniversary We will not forget them" event organised by Hongkongers In Leeds. 除了集会之外,我们更设立街站去向本地人解释由2019年6月12日起直到现在,反修例抗争中发生的大事,及国安法带来的影响,揭示中共在港侵犯人权的恶行。 In addition to the rally, a street booth was organised at Briggate as part of the event. The booth aimed to display the protests happened since 12 June 2019. This was a vital initiative to showcase the atrocities committed by the CCP in Hong Kong. 希望列斯港人能不忘初心,继续支持我们的抗争活动,为香港民主自由奋斗。光复香港,时代革命!721再聚! Despite facing the challenges, Hongkongers continue to unite and fight for their freedom. We encourage all those who desire democracy and freedom for Hong Kong to continue to stand up and speak out against injustice. Together, we can work towards a brighter future. Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong. See you all on 721! HongKongers in Leeds #UK #Leeds #集会 #612四周年 #毋忘2019 #反送中


Not Guilty Stand with Hong Kong 47

Not Guilty Stand with Hong Kong 47 The "Hong Kong 47" are in urgent need of our support. Our fellow Hongkongers are suppressed and cannot speak up in Hong Kong. Therefore, living in the land of freedom, we should stand out and speak for them. We need to stand up for their rights and show the world the unfairness of the Hong Kong government and the CCP. So we urge your support in this joint campaign with participating cities to stand for the politically persecuted "Hong Kong 47" and all other Hongkongers in jail or on trial. Full Version: #47人案 #初选大搜捕 #国安法 #未审先判 #政治犯 #欲加之罪 #冤狱 #莫须有 #在英港人 #外国港人势力


Three years ago today, on June 9, 2019, a million people took to

Three years ago today, on June 9, 2019, a million people took to the streets and protested against the Extradition Bill. Hong Kong has since then become a battleground against the authoritarian regime. Hongkongers have never stopped fighting for freedom, democracy, and justice. Post by twitter @hkdc.us #反修例运动 #反送中游行 #一百万人大游行 #抗争三年 #毋忘抗争 #毋忘初衷


The 5th Anniversary of the 2019 Revolution

The 5th Anniversary of the 2019 Revolution 2019革命五周年 Shut down the HKETO and revoke diplomatic immunity! 关闭经贸办,撤销外交豁免权! Date: 9th of June 2024 (Sunday) Time: 2pm Location: Outside London Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office 18 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3JA Co-organisers @bonhamtreeaid 细叶榕 @thecfhk The Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong Foundation @democracyforhk Democracy for Hong Kong (D4HK) @standwithhk_ Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong. 重光团队 @hkaiduk Hong Kong Aid 港援 @hongkongersuk Hongkongers in Britain 英国港侨协会 Hong Kong Liberty 揽炒团队 @hkersunited HKers United 港联 @ichka.uk Independent Committee for Hong Kong Advocacy 香港独立倡议委员会 支持团体 Supporting Organisation @hkdc.us Hong Kong Democracy Council @hongkongwatchorg Hong Kong Watch 香港监察 #反送中 #毋忘抗争 #反送中5周年 #毋忘2019


光复香港 时代革命香港人加油

光复香港 时代革命 香港人加油 Fight for Freedom, Stand with Hong Kong Free Hong Kong 香港に自由を 香港独立 唯一出路 One Nation, One Hong Kong 香港デモ5年の抗议活动にご参加下さり、ありがとうございました。 Source: 平野雨龙 @uryuhirano #日本 #东京 #反送中5周年 #反送中 #毋忘抗争 #毋忘2019



「勿忘初心」香港抗争展(温哥华) “Never Forget” Hong Kong Protest Exhibition (Vancouver) Date: May 20, 2023 (Sat) Time: 12-5pm Location: Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza 为咗唤起本地人对2019年香港「反送中」革命期间发生嘅人道危机嘅关注,「温哥华手足」将于2023年5月20日下午举办「勿忘初心」香港抗争展,展示香港人为争取自由和民主而作出嘅牺牲同付出,并提醒加拿大人保护国家免受来自世界各地嘅极权政权攻击嘅警示。 Hong Kong Protest Exhibition aims to raise awareness of the human rights crisis that occurred during the 2019 Hong Kong protests, showcase the sacrifice and continuous effort of Hong Kongers to fight for freedom and democracy and serve as a cautionary reminder to Canadians to safeguard our country against attacks of authoritarian regimes around the world. #毋忘抗争 #勿忘初衷 #展览 #温哥华 #Canada #Vancouver #海外港人 Source: @vanactivistshk

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