Hundreds and thousands of students everywhere are being activate

Hundreds and thousands of students everywhere are being activated by Peng’s action. We stand in solidarity with people in China who are fighting for democracy and freedom. Check our linktree for posters designed by Chinese and Hong Kong students, available for download. Follow @citizensdailycn and @northern_square for designs and updates. . Posted on IG @students4hk . #四通桥 #彭立发 #彭载舟 #北京 #民主 #选举 #二十大 #FuckCCP #DemocracyNow #FightForFreedom #PengLiFa



The Screamer on the Sitong Bridge @biantailajiao #变态辣椒漫画 #rebelp

The Screamer on the Sitong Bridge @biantailajiao #变态辣椒漫画 #rebelpepper #四通桥 #彭立发 #彭载舟 #北京 #民主 #选举 #二十大 #FuckCCP #DemocracyNow #FightForFreedom #PengLiFa


This 2-page flyer is designed for non-Hong Kong students/people

This 2-page flyer is designed for non-Hong Kong students/people to get a quick understanding of Hong Kong movement. We’d like to invite you to join us in taking action on Oct 1! Download, print and distribute it at your schools! The action items on the flyer are customized for different countries, the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, and Japan (so far). Thanks students from different countries who contributed the ideas. If you’re in another country and want to use it, please let us know and we’ll make one version for you. Special thanks to our editor and designer friends who help make this happen! IG @students4hk #光复香港时代革命 #standwithHongKong #fightforfreedom

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