1023声援曼城受袭港人集会 经统计有超过300名港人一同默站。是次活动除咗声援曼城被袭港人外,同时因为这次事件,可见中共对海外干预及政治渗透非常严重,所以我们会继续发起联署,希望国会可以正视及监察中共对全球带来嘅威胁,重新审视是否应该与中国继续维持姊妹城市关系。 On 23 October, over 300 people stood silently at Old Market Square. In addition to expressing solidarity with those who were attacked in Manchester, we can also see the seriousness of the CCP’s foreign interference and political infiltration to the UK. So we should continue to initiate our petition, hoping that the Parliament can face up to and monitor threats posed by the CCP to the world, and re-examine whether they should continue to maintain sister-city relations with China. Posted on IG @nottsstandwithhk #Nottingham #UK #曼城 #Manchester #中国领事馆 #贺佢老母 #二十大 #支共祸患 #SayNoToChina #TakeDownCCP

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