Art and Culture Day by HongKongers

Art and Culture Day by HongKongers 香港人艺墟 Date: 25th Mar 2023 (Sat) 12pm - 4:30pm Address: People's History Museum M3 3ER FREE entrance Details / Sign up: #hongkongmarch #manchester #salford #艺墟 #香港文化 #UK



7.21 海外港人活动 UK

7.21 海外港人活动 UK #毋忘721 #721唔见人 #721元朗恐袭 #警黑勾结 Exeter (ended) 7.16 | 1pm 3pm Exeter High Street (H&M outside) IG @exehkersaction Nottingham 7.21 | 6-9PM 同呼吸书店 @in.common.breath In Common Breath, 112 High Road, Beeston, NG9 2LN IG @nottsstandwithhk Manchester 7.21 | 6:30pm St Peter's Square London 7.21 | 6:30-8:00pm Piccadilly Circus, London W1D 7ET Birmingham 7.22 | 12-1pm Shirley Park, Stratford Rd, Shirley, Solihull B90 3AL (ASDA 附近草地) @birmingham.hongkongers Leeds 7.22 | 1-3pm Lands Ln (WHSmith 对出) LS1 6AW IG @hongkongers_in_leeds Guildford 7.22 | 17:00 Guildford Friary Street Southampton 7.23 | 13:00-14:00 Bargate Mounment Edinburgh 7.21 | 5-7pm Outside of the National Record EH1 3YY IG @scottish_hongkongers



海外港人全球号召反23条集会:欧洲 Stop Hong Kong Article 23 Demonstration Europe Southampton 23/3 10am Bargate Nottingham 23/3 11AM Brian Clough (Speakers‘ Corner) NG1 2BH IG @nottsstandwithhk Leeds 23/3 12-2PM 121 Briggate LS1 6LX (Debenhams外) IG @hongkongers_in_leeds Sheffield 23/3 2PM Town Hall Birmingham 23/3 2-4PM Victoria Square IG @birminghamhongkongers London 23/3 2:30PM 英国外交部(及后前往香港经贸办) Sutton 23/3 14:30-16:30 High Street Manchester 23/3 3PM St Peter's Square, M1 5AN Reading 23/3 2PM Broad St. (Outside HSBC) IG @readingukstandswithhk #23条 #廿三条 #Article23 #反对23条


URGENT CALLING BRISTOL HKERS Support @hkidforce in Manchester

URGENT CALLING BRISTOL HKERS Support @hkidforce in Manchester 23/10/2022 SUNDAY 4-6PM CASCADE STEPS Posted on IG @bristolstandswithhongkong On 16/10 outside Chinese Consulate in Manchester, there was a peaceful protest against Chinese Communist Party dictatorship. Half a dozen consulate generals and officers trashed the protest signs, illegally captured and dragged a protestor into the consulate area and brutally beaten him up. A brave and righteous police officer entered the consulate and assisted other protestors to save the victim. At least four of the assaulters were identified as Chinese consulate ambassadors and officers. We will not tolerate this barbarian and ridiculous mistreat to anyone. Come out and support Hongkongers, sign the joint statement to condemn the Chinese Consulate in Manchester! #BRISTOL #香港人集结 #曼城 #Manchester #捍卫港人连线 #中国领事馆 #贺佢老母 #二十大 #支共祸患



[紧急呼吁所有香港人、香港人组织以及支持香港民主运动嘅所有世界友人及组织,一齐加入联署] Sign up here 联署表格: [Urgent Appeal to Sign Up Joint Statement of Manchester Hongkongers and Organisations on Violent Attack of Peaceful Protestors at Chinese Consulate in Manchester: 16 October 2022] 曼彻斯特香港人及组织就2022年10月16日中国驻英国曼彻斯特领事馆人员袭击和平示威者事件发表之联合声明 我们深切关注今日中国驻英国曼彻斯特领事馆人员袭击和平示威者的事件。此暴力事件明显侵犯英国公民的言论及人身自由,绝不能容忍。 从不同直播片段可见,中国驻英国曼彻斯特领事馆职员破坏及抢夺和平示威者的私有财产,更有数名香港示威者被中国领事馆职员强行掳入领事馆范围,并遭一群(至少五至六名)中国领事馆职员暴力围殴。 事件足证中国的政治压迫无分国界,甚至在英国街头上演。 我们恳切要求英国外交部( Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office)以及外相 James Cleverly MP 立即立案调查涉事中国领使馆职员有否违反英国法律及国际法。 我们绝不容忍任何对和平示威者的暴力行为,并严正谴责中国驻英国曼彻斯特领事馆职员无理限制英国国民的人身、集会及示威自由并施行暴力的野蛮行为。 我们谨此对受害的和平示威者表示慰问,并祝伤者早日康复。 2022年10月16日 #联署 #Petition #曼城 #Manchester #捍卫港人连线 #中国领事馆 #贺佢老母 #二十大


好多谢策展人兼艺术家Mei Yuk Wong嘅邀请及无私嘅付出,我哋嘅〈千手人〉同两幅新作会参与呢次喺英国嘅The Art of

好多谢策展人兼艺术家Mei Yuk Wong嘅邀请及无私嘅付出,我哋嘅〈千手人〉同两幅新作会参与呢次喺英国嘅The Art of Protest展览。呢个展览系由Arts Council England资助,Castlefield Gallery同Culture Warrington支持,一共有五位artists嘅作品。经历咗离乡别井,嚟到呢个可以呼吸自由空气嘅国度,我哋一定会继续同全世界嘅人讲香港人嘅故事,直到有一日我哋可以衣锦还乡。 喺英国有兴趣嘅朋友欢迎嚟睇呀!呢个展览系免费参观,唔洗book tickets可以随时walk in,包括两个workshops。唯独27/2嘅artist talk,就要麻烦大家email「[email protected]」book位,因为个talk得20个位。多谢支持~ 3-27 February 2022 Thursday, Friday & Sunday 1-4pm Saturday 1-6pm Castlefield Gallery New Art Spaces: Warrington 24 Sankey Street, Golden Square, Warrington, WA1 1TD Event page: #香港文宣 #千手人 #展览 #HongKongProtest #UK #海外活动 #Warrington #创作自由

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