June 12th Silent Protest and Vigil 默站

June 12th Silent Protest and Vigil 默站 June 12 2023 (Mon) 8-9pm Metrotown Skytrain Station 我哋612 举办悼念默站,唔单只系向香港抗争者烈士致敬同悼念佢地嘅牺牲。亦期望本地人知道香港嘅警暴打压状况,知道我哋反共反极权嘅讯息! Source: @vanactivistshk #612四周年 #温哥华 #vancouver #Canada



#612三周年 #Australia #Protest #默站

#612三周年 #Australia #Protest #默站 [612 - Be Water. Be United] We will be hosting a silent protest this coming Sunday to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of 612, a significant date in Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement. Details below: Date: 12th June, 2022, Sunday Time: 2.30 - 4.00pm Location: Rundle Mall Please bring your own protest materials and slogans on the day. We will see you then! Source: IG @adlswhk #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong #bewaterbeunited


612 默站悼念行动悼念所有因为民主自由而离世嘅抗争者

612 默站悼念行动 悼念所有因为民主自由而离世嘅抗争者 日期:2024年6月12日(三) 时间:7:30pm 地点:Metrotown Skytrain Station IG @vanactivistshk #悼念# 默站# #毋忘烈士 #612五周年 #光复香港时代革命 #香港独立唯一出路 #温哥华 #Canada


12th June is an important day for Hongkongers. This year we will

12th June is an important day for Hongkongers. This year we will hold an event called "Ich bin ein Hongkonger" in Berlin. What exactly is this event? Let us introduce it to you. Source: IG @hongkongersingermany #612三周年 #Germany #德国


The 3rd Anniversary of 12th June - BE WATER. BE UNITED. Stockhol

The 3rd Anniversary of 12th June - BE WATER. BE UNITED. Stockholm Exhibition Source: #瑞典 #612三周年 #sweden #反送中运动


630「悼 香港沦陷 默站行动」

630「悼 香港沦陷 默站行动」 香港被中共侵占27年,「温哥华手足」将于6月30日举办默站行动,为香港沉沦进行悼念,同时播放影片及展板,增加本地人对香港现时民主状况的认识。 日期:June 30, 2024 (Sun) 时间:3:30-5:00pm 地点:Metrotown skytrain station #温哥华 #Canada #香港沦陷日


六四屠城悼念活动 June 4th Memorial Service - @Brisbane Reddacliff Place

六四屠城悼念活动 June 4th Memorial Service - @Brisbane Reddacliff Place #六四屠城 #毋忘六四 #六四集会 #Australia #Brisbane Source: HKIA Brisbane fb 今个星期六 (4/6) 乃六四屠城的三十三年,香港维园烛光晚会因国安法实施后被禁,但我们将会薪火相传,无惧打压继续悼念「六四」死难者,延续六四精神,毋忘历史。 It is the Memorial Day of the June 4th Tiananmen Square Massacre this Saturday. Please join us at the Reddacliff Place this year to mourn the loss of lives on the tragic day of June 4, 1989. Venue: Reddacliff Place, Brisbane Date: 4/6/2022 Time: 5pm-6pm Memorial service: candle vigil

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