广东话粗口文化博大精深,有超过六百年历史。其厉害之处是粗口单词虽以性器官为核心,但在不同情况可以演变成同字面完全不一样的意思,例如「抵屌」解作「抵买」;「撚化我」解作「玩弄我」。其配搭组合可说是千变万化。「个撚样想屌我撚尻佢,明明就系佢閪我面先」 Cantonese profanity culture is vast and profound, with a history of over 600 years. Its power lies in the fact that although profanity words are centered around sexual organs, they can evolve into completely different meanings in different situations. For example, "抵屌" means "good bargain" and "撚化我" means "tease at me". The combinations and pairings of these words are endless. Credit: @kongcept852 #广东话 #我系香港人我讲广东话 #本土文化 #香港文化

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