#Infograph Why is the overhauled Legislative Council election in

#Infograph Why is the overhauled Legislative Council election in #HK a sham? No. of "directly selected" seats went down from 35 to 20 & gated behind tight screening. 40 new elite controlled seats stuffed in. 47 pro-democracy candidates charged under NSL. Credit: twitter @hkdc_us #BoycottFakeElection #ReleaseMyCandidate #立法会选举 #假选举 #垃圾会 #完善选举制度 #永续港共极权



Hong Kong District Council Election 2023

Hong Kong District Council Election 2023 Art by @vawongsir #区选 #区议会 #区议会选举 #完善选举制度 #爱国者治港 #永续港共极权 #垃圾港共


We thank PL4HK for staging a demonstration to raise public aware

We thank PL4HK for staging a demonstration to raise public awareness regarding the situation in Hong Kong during the election day. Credit: #StandWithHongKong #Poland #立法会选举 #假选举 #垃圾会 #完善选举制度 #公我赢字你输 #永续港共极权


由华盛顿奥希日基金会(Washington Oxi Day Foundation)颁发的第13届「奥希勇气奖」(Oxi Cour

由华盛顿奥希日基金会(Washington Oxi Day Foundation)颁发的第13届「奥希勇气奖」(Oxi Courage Award),由「香港民主运动参与者」(Hong Kong Democracy Activists)及慈善组织「拯救乌克兰」(Save Ukraine)共同获得,代表香港民运参与者领奖的香港民主委员会(Hong Kong Democracy Council, HKDC)董事会成员周永康接受《光传媒》访问时表示,「过去几年港府剥夺港人的公民和政治权利,而香港人的精神正正贯彻着基金会所提倡『有勇气说不』的精神」。 #OxiCourageAward #周永康 #HKDC #香港人坚持 #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom 报导:光传媒 Photon Media


0319 #香港 #美国 #掮客 #游说

0319 #香港 #美国 #掮客 #游说 香港民主委员会(Hong Kong Democracy Council)发表报告,发现香港政府透过香港贸易发展局及香港经济贸易办事处,一直投放大量公帑聘请掮客公司在美国进行游说工作。 自2019年至今,香港政府及其他亲政府组织花费超过3500万美元(约2亿7千4百万港元)进行政治相关活动,包括游说国会反对《香港人权与民主法》等。 完整报告: https://www.hkdc.us/the-counter-lobby-confidential #HKDC


HKDC is honoring the plight of women in Hong Kong and elsewhere

HKDC is honoring the plight of women in Hong Kong and elsewhere imprisoned for political offenses. HKDC commemorates the role that women activists have played in the fight for Hong Kong’s freedom and salutes the women activists among our Southern Mongolian, Tibetan and Uyghur allies. Hong Kong has the highest percentage of female prisoners in the world, many of them among the 1,389 prisoners currently serving time on political charges. These prisoners include pro-democracy leadersChow Hang-tung, Gwyneth Ho, Carol Ng, Chu Wai-ying, Wong Yuen-lam, Winnie Yu, Claudia Mo, Tiffany Yuen, Wong Ji-yuetas well as many unnamed women detained for exercising their universal rights to free speech and assembly. Posted by @hkdc.us #InternationalWomensDay #妇女节 #政治犯 #NewYork #贤学思政 #47人初选案 #毛孟静 #何桂蓝 #邹幸彤 #黄沅琳 #朱慧盈 #politicaloffenses



完善选举制度立法会选举后第一个港股交易日,恒指低开100点,之后继续下跌跌穿2万3心理关口。不单止投票率创历史新低,连同Tvb股价亦创下历史新低纪录曾经下试4.25,继12月6日创下4.32历史新低,两星期后再跌破底价。 报导: mewe @boomhead / IG FB @boomheadhk #完善选举制度 #假选举 #垃圾会 #CCTVB #党媒 #垃圾TVB #罢睇TVB #抵制TVB #红媒 #抵制tvb广告商

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