Please come along and speak for Hong Kong people when they can't

Please come along and speak for Hong Kong people when they can't express their opinion freely. See you all on Sunday! Source: Kingston UK HKers Stand with Hong Kong fb #UK #英国 #Kingston #海外活动 #人链 #众新闻⁣ #立场新闻⁣ #新闻自由⁣ #守护真相 #不要让真相消失



Not Guilty Stand with Hong Kong 47

Not Guilty Stand with Hong Kong 47 The "Hong Kong 47" are in urgent need of our support. Our fellow Hongkongers are suppressed and cannot speak up in Hong Kong. Therefore, living in the land of freedom, we should stand out and speak for them. We need to stand up for their rights and show the world the unfairness of the Hong Kong government and the CCP. So we urge your support in this joint campaign with participating cities to stand for the politically persecuted "Hong Kong 47" and all other Hongkongers in jail or on trial. Full Version: #47人案 #初选大搜捕 #国安法 #未审先判 #政治犯 #欲加之罪 #冤狱 #莫须有 #在英港人 #外国港人势力


#London #Kingston

#London #Kingston Around 1,000 Hong Kong people attend a human chain protest in Kingston in solidarity with journalists and political prisoners. #UK #英国 #海外活动 #人链 #新闻自由⁣ #守护真相 #众新闻⁣ #立场新闻 #苹果日报 #AppleDaily #StandNews⁣ #不要让真相消失 #愿荣光归香港 #video


Last cartoon of the year - out of ink for Hong Kong.

Last cartoon of the year - out of ink for Hong Kong. Designer twitter @toonsbystellina #standnews #立场 #pressfreedom #hksecuritylaw #立场新闻 #新闻自由无价 #守护真相 #坚守立场 #不要让真相消失 #串谋发布煽动刊物罪 #欲加之罪


香港新闻自由完了!Hong Kong Press Freedom is ended!

香港新闻自由完了! Hong Kong Press Freedom is ended! Designer IG @hipstercreamy #立场新闻 #新闻自由 #好伤心好痛 #不要让真相消失 #串谋发布煽动刊物罪 #欲加之罪 #新闻自由无价 #守护真相


When the UK handed Hong Kong back to China 25 years ago, the las

When the UK handed Hong Kong back to China 25 years ago, the last words of the departing British Governor to the people of the territory were: 'Now Hong Kong people are to run Hong Kong. That is the promise. And that is the unshakeable destiny'. Sarah Montague speaks to Lord Patten, the man who made that pledge, to ask if that promise has been broken and if the UK could have done more to honour it? Link to BBC: #LordPatten #肥彭 #彭定康 #七一沦陷日 #没有回归只有沦陷 #七一 #没有两国何来两制 #消失的香港


Join us as Hong Kong artist, Percy Lam, opens up is piece “Use P

Join us as Hong Kong artist, Percy Lam, opens up is piece “Use PEZ Wrapper to Make a Word.” This powerful art instillation is meant to speak on the revolution in Hong Kong. The event will be held at Hyde Park Art Center (5020 South Cornell Avenue Chicago, IL 60615) and an opening ceremony on Sunday February 6th, 2022 at 2:00pm CST. The event is free to attend with proof of vaccination. Posted by IG @chicagohker #US #chicago #海外活动 #艺术展览 #时代革命

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