Departures from Hong Kong more than triple in 2 weeks amid Omicr

Departures from Hong Kong more than triple in 2 weeks amid Omicron outbreak From February 11 to 17, the city saw a net outflow of 17,989 people, versus 5,613 people between January 28 and February 3. #HKFP article: #移民 #离港 #避疫 #武汉肺炎 #苛政猛于疫情 #揽炒 #暴力清零 #铁腕清零 #支那病毒 #支共祸患 #祸港正苦



Designer: 职人阿港 Hong Kong Worker

Designer: 职人阿港 Hong Kong Worker #花巿 #年宵 #苛政猛于疫情 #Omicron #动态清零 #暴力清零 #铁腕清零 #抗疫为名 #武汉肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共祸患 #祸港正苦 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied


2022年《香港人链 Hong Kong Way》

2022年《香港人链 Hong Kong Way》 #疫情下的香港系列 Designer IG #排队检测 #苛政猛于疫情 #暴力清零 #铁腕清零 #抗疫为名 #武汉肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共祸患 #祸港正苦 #港共落地狱


Art by @hong_kong_worker

Art by @hong_kong_worker Posted by #共赴黄泉 #清零 #李家超 #卢宠茂 #奴宠物 #安心出行 #疫苗通行证 #垃圾港共 #通关 #支那袭来 #蝗祸 #武汉肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共祸患 #CCPvirus #chinaliedpeopledied


Search on Telegram is more powerful than in other messaging apps

Search on Telegram is more powerful than in other messaging apps because it allows users to find public channels and bots. Unfortunately, this feature has been abused by people who violated our Terms of Service to sell illegal goods. Over the last few weeks, a dedicated team of moderators, leveraging AI, has made Telegram Search much safer. All the problematic content we identified in Search is no longer accessible. If you still manage to find something unsafe or illegal in Telegram Search, please report it to us via SearchReport. To further deter criminals from abusing Telegram Search, we have updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, ensuring they are consistent across the world. We’ve made it clear that the IP addresses and phone numbers of those who violate our rules can be disclosed to relevant authorities in response to valid legal requests. These measures should discourage criminals. Telegram Search is meant for finding friends and discovering news, not for promoting illegal goods. We won't let bad actors jeopardize the integrity of our platform for almost a billion users.


Queues for daily, compulsory Covid-19 testing have formed around

Queues for daily, compulsory Covid-19 testing have formed around Kwai Chung estate, the epicentre of an Omicron outbreak with over 170 cases. @hongkongfp news: 5,000 residents of Yat Kwai House and Ying Kwai House are under a 5-day lockdown as the city sees a surge in daily infections - the highest in 18 months. Around 200 people - among them elderly residents in wheelchairs and parents with children - waited in line for a Covid-19 test outside Chau Kwai House. The long queue snaked around several blocks and a park. #葵涌邨 #KwaiChungEstate #围封强检 #禁足 #交叉感染 #失饭碗 #无人帮 #困兽斗 #播毒 #一镬熟 #暴力清零 #铁腕清零 #抗疫为名 #苛政猛于疫情 #武汉肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共祸患 #祸港正苦 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied


彭博专栏作家Clara Ferreira Marques发表评论,以〈香港正浮现堕落城市的迹象〉(Hong Kong Is Sh

彭博专栏作家Clara Ferreira Marques发表评论,以〈香港正浮现堕落城市的迹象〉(Hong Kong Is Showing Symptoms of a Failed State)为题,指香港超市近日被搜刮一空的情况令人想起委内瑞拉及俄罗斯1998年金融危机。 文章指,脆弱国家(fragile state)通常被定义为「无法保护公民,无法提供基本服务」,以及人民多会对政府合法性的质疑。连月以来,香港饱受数月来的民主抗议活动以及传染病的冲击复,香港似乎正迈向「脆弱国家」的路上。再加上人们对法治的不信任,更是令城市加速衰落的催化剂。 作者在评论中又把香港的情况与新加坡作比较,并认为新加坡的秩序与香港的一团糟形成强烈对比。Marques最后更直指,今次问题根源并不在于疫情或是香港医疗系统,而是特首林郑月娥管理不善,政府已失去合法性及社会资本,导致市民根本不相信政府会为人民谋福祉。 Source:Bloomberg Posted by Fortune Insight #堕落城市 #武汉肺炎 #暴力清零 #铁腕清零 #苛政猛于疫情 #抗疫为名 #支那病毒 #支共祸患 #祸港正苦 #港共落地狱

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