
#standwithukraine Designer IG @arkisan.hk Original photo took by @o.k._img “I decided to make some photos which could attract attention to the possible war. I wish to demonstrate how Ukraine may look in the nearest future. As it could be seen I took this photo 22/02/2022, that's two days before the war. This is a photo of my daughter with a candy and with a shotgun in an abandoned building.” #RussoUkrainewar #ukraine #stopthewar #russiainvadedukraine #GloryToUkraine



The news is still very overwhelming and while people are offerin

The news is still very overwhelming and while people are offering help, they are also concerned that the situation will affect their lives. Just a simple hope that the war will be over soon and Ukrainians can return to meet their families and see their loved ones. Designer IG @kyliethapthong #RussoUkrainewar #ukraine #stopthewar #russiainvadedukraine #nato #StandWithUkraine #GloryToUkraine



#standwithukraine Designer IG @small._.tt 乌克兰的人民饱受战争的残酷, 每天过著离失所的生活,与至亲道别的伤痛。 The people of Ukraine suffered from the cruelty of war, lived a life of displacement, and said goodbye to their loved ones 大家都做好了牺牲的准备 为乌克兰的独立自由而战。 他们真的非常勇敢,希望世界上所有人都免受极权欺压, 为自由而战的人民都可以平安 Many people are ready to sacrifice.The citizens are fight for the independence and freedom of Ukraine. As a Hong Konger, I admire them for fighting for freedom. They are really brave and hope that everyone in the world will be free from totalitarian oppression and the people who fight for freedom can be safe Слава Україні! Glory to Ukraine 愿荣光归乌克兰 系乌俄战争初期见到呢条片,觉得无比心痛, 希望佢哋可以见番面,生离死别一定系好痛苦 可以团聚平安过日子,同至亲好友相聚嘅日子唔系必然, 请大家好好珍惜 希望大家可以帮手转发, 等乌克兰嘅人都可以见到 净系谂到用呢啲方法帮佢哋打气 Please share so that Ukrainians can see #愿荣光归乌克兰 #glorytoukraine #乌克兰 #ukraine


Russia blatantly dispatched troops to the eastern Ukraine. Putin

Russia blatantly dispatched troops to the eastern Ukraine. Putin even said that “Ukraine is an inalienable part of our own history, culture and spiritual space,”(Oh I get a Deja vu). Westen countries have imposed economic sanctions on Russia, but Russia could ignore it and break out a war, which will affect the world. Designer IG @kyliethapthong #ukraine #ukrainecrisis #standwithukraine #prayforukraine


Defunding Putin's war.

Defunding Putin's war. Designer IG @tjeerdroyaards #Putin #Russia #Ukraine #oil #gas #invasion #sanctions


Putin's Russian troops are attacking Ukraine. There's a war in E

Putin's Russian troops are attacking Ukraine. There's a war in Eastern Europe. People must know. God bless Ukraine Designer IG @yunnliu #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StayWithUkraine #StopRussianAggression #UkraineUnderAttack


STOP THE WAR!!!!!!!!

STOP THE WAR!!!!!!!! Designer IG @hardneck.jai #prayforukraine #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StayWithUkraine #StopRussianAggression #UkraineUnderAttack

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