People wrapped in Ukraine flags taken by Hong Kong police.

People wrapped in Ukraine flags taken by Hong Kong police. Ukrainian in Hong Kong taken and prosecuted by HK Police while calling for support for Ukraine in the street. The HK police knows exactly which side their CCP bosses are on in the war. #Ukraine #黑警死全家 #EvilCCP #集会自由 #StandWithUkraine #GloryToUkraine



Two years ago today, the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) laid sieg

Two years ago today, the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) laid siege to Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Poly U) for 13 days. Post by IG @students4hk PDF for download: The police trapped students inside and arrested anyone who tried to leave or enter including first-aiders, volunteers, and reporters. HKPF claimed that protesters were hiding in disguise. They shot: 1,458 tear gas canisters 1,391 rubber bullets 325 bean bag rounds 256 sponge grenades in one day. 1,100 people were arrested through the 2 weeks. Universities are for education and growth, not war. The government failed us. The police never meant to protect us. The PolyU siege is a prominent example of HKPF's horrific abuse of power and the need for all of us to stand in solidarity with our peers. This fight is for every Hongkonger and student. #hongkongprotest #polytechnicuniversity #polyusiege #POLYU #理大围城 #入POLY #救手足 #抗争两年


At the MTR station in Hong Kong, Chinese Communist police pepper

At the MTR station in Hong Kong, Chinese Communist police pepper sprayed at the foreigners because they did not wear a mask. #video #武汉肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共祸患 #CCPvirus #chinaliedpeopledied #PoliceState


The real Hong Kong Police, this is how they treat ethnic minorit

The real Hong Kong Police, this is how they treat ethnic minority, by cursing at them in foul language over a parking space, a total shame and abuse of power. 真实的香港警察 Source: @kaceywong #黑警治港 #香港警察社会垃圾 #黑警死全家 #每日一愿望黑警冚家亡


Hong Kong police “strong concerns” over political comic artist Z

Hong Kong police “strong concerns” over political comic artist Zunzi portrayed riot police in school leading to “wrong perception”. #尊子漫画 Saint Francis Xavier's School Tsuen Wan recently punished 14 students from lessons for 3 days over eating breakfast during flag raising. #荃湾圣芳济中学 #洗脑教育 #自我审查 #盲目忠诚 #无脑效忠 #荃湾 #圣芳济 #国庆 #升旗礼 #停课


Dear friends and followers from Hong Kong!

Dear friends and followers from Hong Kong! The Free Hong Kong Center team would like to express our most profound appreciation for all your support of Ukraine, and especially for your donations to the FHKC activists at the frontline. Posted on twitter @LDLU_official #ukraine #乌克兰 #StandWithUkraine #StandWithHongKong


This 2-page flyer is designed for non-Hong Kong students/people

This 2-page flyer is designed for non-Hong Kong students/people to get a quick understanding of Hong Kong movement. We’d like to invite you to join us in taking action on Oct 1! Download, print and distribute it at your schools! The action items on the flyer are customized for different countries, the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, and Japan (so far). Thanks students from different countries who contributed the ideas. If you’re in another country and want to use it, please let us know and we’ll make one version for you. Special thanks to our editor and designer friends who help make this happen! IG @students4hk #光复香港时代革命 #standwithHongKong #fightforfreedom

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