曼彻斯特撑乌克兰集会Manchester Stands with Ukraine Protest
曼彻斯特撑乌克兰集会 Manchester Stands with Ukraine Protest 战争已经去到第六个星期,请咁多位曼城朋友,嚟紧星期六,一齐出席由 @UkrClubDniproMcr 集会,继续支持同声援乌克兰人!集会以外,继续金援乌克兰以及帮手做义工将物资分类! It's the sixth week of the war. We urge Mancunians to attend the protest organised by @UkrClubDniproMcr to support Ukrainians. Apart from the protest, please go on supporting Ukrainians by financial and voluntary support. Date: 2nd April 2022 (Saturday) Time: 2pm - 4pm Venue: Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester Source: IG @manchester_stand_with_hk Photo credit: Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester #Manchester #UK #海外活动 #StandsWithUkraine

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