War gamesDesigner IG @tjeerdroyaards

War games Designer IG @tjeerdroyaards #Russia #NATO #Ukraine #Putin #GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaAggression



Defunding Putin's war.

Defunding Putin's war. Designer IG @tjeerdroyaards #Putin #Russia #Ukraine #oil #gas #invasion #sanctions


Peace on earth, dictator to hell.

Peace on earth, dictator to hell. #天佑乌克兰 #Ukraine #Zelenskyy #fuxkputin #Russia #Ukraine #Putin #GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaAggression Artist: 茶色金鱼 IG/twitter @draculatoki


Putin's Russian troops are attacking Ukraine. There's a war in E

Putin's Russian troops are attacking Ukraine. There's a war in Eastern Europe. People must know. God bless Ukraine Designer IG @yunnliu #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StayWithUkraine #StopRussianAggression #UkraineUnderAttack


一名俄军的故事A story of a Russia soldier

一名俄军的故事 A story of a Russia soldier 被上级骗去送死 There was proof that some of the soldiers were misled by their superior to die in the war Designer IG @greedy_spider #GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaAggression #Ukraine


The news is still very overwhelming and while people are offerin

The news is still very overwhelming and while people are offering help, they are also concerned that the situation will affect their lives. Just a simple hope that the war will be over soon and Ukrainians can return to meet their families and see their loved ones. Designer IG @kyliethapthong #RussoUkrainewar #ukraine #stopthewar #russiainvadedukraine #nato #StandWithUkraine #GloryToUkraine


Russia blatantly dispatched troops to the eastern Ukraine. Putin

Russia blatantly dispatched troops to the eastern Ukraine. Putin even said that “Ukraine is an inalienable part of our own history, culture and spiritual space,”(Oh I get a Deja vu). Westen countries have imposed economic sanctions on Russia, but Russia could ignore it and break out a war, which will affect the world. Designer IG @kyliethapthong #ukraine #ukrainecrisis #standwithukraine #prayforukraine

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