友谊节 | Friendship Festivals!
友谊节 | Friendship Festivals!
UKHK and friends are coming to Guildford, Sheffield and Southampton this June! Seize the chance to meet new friends from the UK and from all around the world, and enjoy snacks and shows! You can also get to know the Hong Kong civic organisations, local councils, churches, organisations and services who are in the neighbourhood. Mark the dates, register for the free tickets today, and tell your friends and neighbours about this – the more the merrier!
GUILDFORD 10 Jun (Sat, 12noon-3pm)
SHEFFIELD 17 Jun (Sat, 12noon-4pm)
SOUTHAMPTON 17 Jun (Sat, 11am-4pm)
#UK #UKHK #在英港人 #友谊节 #香港友谊节 #FriendshipFestival