Sutton Friendship Festival

Sutton Friendship Festival 6月18日 11am~4pm 地点 Manor Park, Sutton SM1 4BF 详情 #在英港人 #离散港人 #友谊节 #FriendshipFestival #UK #Sutton



The Friendship Festival, held at a park in south London, welcome

The Friendship Festival, held at a park in south London, welcomed newcomers from Hong Kong to the borough of Sutton. ⁠ ⁠ Local officials and a member of parliament were among the hundreds who turned up.⁠ ⁠ The event even had a stall selling Hong Kong-style milk tea and a “Lennon wall” of brightly coloured notes filled with protest slogans and messages that said: “UK welcomes Hongkongers.” ⁠ ⁠ : Handout/UKHK⁠ Reported by⁠ @scmpnews #standwithhongkong #hongkonger #london #britain #sutton #bno


友谊节 | Friendship Festivals!

友谊节 | Friendship Festivals! 今年六月,UKHK和其他朋友们将来到侨福、锡菲和修咸顿!快点来认识来自英国和世界各地的新朋友,享受港式小吃、表演和其他活动。你也可以认识港人民间组织、地方议会代表、教会以及其他本地非牟利组织和他们的服务。记住日期,立即免费登记,并邀请你的亲朋戚友和本地邻居,起来小聚吧! UKHK and friends are coming to Guildford, Sheffield and Southampton this June! Seize the chance to meet new friends from the UK and from all around the world, and enjoy snacks and shows! You can also get to know the Hong Kong civic organisations, local councils, churches, organisations and services who are in the neighbourhood. Mark the dates, register for the free tickets today, and tell your friends and neighbours about this – the more the merrier! GUILDFORD 10 Jun (Sat, 12noon-3pm) SHEFFIELD 17 Jun (Sat, 12noon-4pm) SOUTHAMPTON 17 Jun (Sat, 11am-4pm) #UK #UKHK #在英港人 #友谊节 #香港友谊节 #FriendshipFestival


【Guildford Friendship Festival 侨福友谊节】 // IG @kongtinue_org

【Guildford Friendship Festival 侨福友谊节】 // IG @kongtinue_org 活动详情: 日期:10-6-2023(星期六) 时间:12:00-15:00 地点:The Electric Theatre, Onslow Street, GU1 4SZ 报名: 我哋嚟紧将会同 Guildford Hongkongers、 UKHK 合作举行Guildford Friendship Festival,除咗欢迎香港人参加,亦希望连结本地社群。 我哋到时将会摆放唔同摊位,有应节嘅端午龙舟游戏挑战、广东话工作坊,仲有麻雀摊位游戏 希望到时可以系Guildford见到大家,记得叫埋相熟嘅朋友一齐参加! #Guildford #UK #友谊节 #FriendshipFestival



这个初夏,UKHK将在英国各地举办一系列友谊节和招待活动,让大家新到埗港人、教会、社区组织、还有住在附近的邻居们可以一起在阳光下玩游戏!记下日期、登记索取免费门票,一家大细一起来结交新朋友吧! 这个在 Hendon Park举行的活动由地方教会, 当地组织和UKHK举办。 This Spring, UKHK is organising a series of Friendship Festivals and receptions across the UK, so we can all have fun together in the sun – people from Hong Kong, local churches and communities, and everyone in the neighbourhood! This event at Hendon Park is being organised by local churches, organisations and UKHK. Register for the free tickets: #在英港人 #离散港人 #友谊节 #FriendshipFestival #UK #London


七一活动 Manchester

七一活动 Manchester 4pm | St. Peter’s Square New York 3pm | Washington Square Park IG @ny4hk Toronto 11am | Grange Park Twitter @RickerChoi Vancouver 7.2 12:30 | Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza IG @vanactivistshk #七一 #没有回归只有沦陷 #海外港人势力 #香港人坚持


7.1活动:美洲 New York

7.1活动:美洲 New York 3pm | Washington Square Park IG @ny4hk Toronto 11am | Grange Park Twitter @RickerChoi #七一 #没有回归只有沦陷

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