2022.64 香港 日本戦线、东京新宿駅、香港六四天安门追悼33周年
2022.64 香港 日本戦线、东京新宿駅、香港六四天安门追悼33周年 新宿駅西口を埋め尽くした追悼集会、主催者発表150人 光时旗が绮丽に旗めいて、いい风が吹いた。 2022.64 Hong Kong Japan Front, Tokyo Shinjuku Station, Hong Kong 64Tiananmen Memorial 33rd Anniversary A memorial rally that filled the west exit of Shinjuku Station, announced by the organizer 150 people "The Liberate Hong Kong, the revolution of our times" flag fluttered beautifully, and a nice breeze blew. thanks every one. Post on IG @nomania34340 #weremember64 #CandleForHK64 #母忘六四 #六四 #Tiananmen #tiananmensquaremassacre #standwithhongkong #光复香港时代革命 #日本战线

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