#612三周年 #Australia #珀斯 #Perth
#612三周年 #Australia #珀斯 #Perth 倒计时三日!香港民主运动抗争艺术照片展,即将于6月11日上午10.00-12.00在Murray Street Mall举行。本次展览以集会的形式进行,展览汇集了众多艺术家,抗争为题材的优秀作品。香港前立法会议员许智峰先生将出席本次活动! Three days count-down! Perth Photo amd Art exhibition on Hong Kong 2019 pro-democracy movement will take place at Murray Street Mall on 11th June, from 10.00am - 12.00am. The exhibition is organized in the form of a rally. Numberous excellent artworks by Hong Kong artists will be displayed. We are privileged to have former Hong Kong MP Mr Ted Chi-Fung Hui as our special guest in this event. Details:

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