6.12 如水再聚 莫失莫忘 墨尔本集会

6.12 如水再聚 莫失莫忘 墨尔本集会 6.12 - Be Water. Be United. Melbourne Rally To commemorate the 3rd anniversary of 6.12, a significant date in Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement. Date: 12th June, 2022, Sunday Time: 7.00pm - 9.00pm Location: State Library, Victoria #612三周年 #Melbourne #Australia Source: 澳洲维港 Victoria HongKongers fb



612如水再聚 莫失莫忘. Be Water. Be United.

612如水再聚 莫失莫忘. Be Water. Be United. Date: Sunday 12th June 2022 Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Location: 100 W Erie St, Chicago, IL 60654-3704, United States As part of the Global Campaign for Hong Kong, Chicago Solidarity with Hong Kong 芝援香港 (CSHK) are co-hosting with different organizations to hold a Chicago Rally at Consulate General of China on June 12. ​The year 2022 marks the 3rd anniversary of the 2019 Hong Kong Revolution. #HongKongers #612三周年 #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom #UnitedWeStand #US #Chicago


612 如水再聚 莫失莫忘

612 如水再聚 莫失莫忘 12th June - Be Water. Be United. #毋忘初衷 #612三周年 #遍地开花 #光复香港 #香港独立 #Canada #台湾 #日本 #US #czechrepublic #Denmark #Germany #Sweden #Australia #UK #NewZealand 一件香港人嘅事,却独欠香港 图: 国际线文宣组手足 #HKBEWATER2022


如水再聚 莫失莫忘- 612三周年集会

如水再聚 莫失莫忘- 612三周年集会 BE WATER · BE UNITED - 612 3rd Anniversary Rally Every moment of 12 June 2019 in Hong Kong is still fresh in our memory! We must therefore unite and continue to tell the world how our freedom and human rights are exploited and taken away by the repressive government. Don’t let the lies cover the truth! This is the day when we declare our determination to fight against the totalitarian dictator. 纵然痛,我们仍要如水聚在一起,向世界揭示极权剥削自由人权的恶行,勿让谎言淹没真相。 我们要向世界宣告我们不会失却抗争的意志,坚持对抗极权! 雷丁香港人612集会,到时见! Reading Hongkongers, Be united and join the rally! See you there! Date: 12 June 2022 Time: 12:45 to 13:30 Venue: Reading Town Hall Square #612三周年 #Reading #UK Source: Reading UK Stands with Hong Kong fb


今日6.12英国时间下午3时「如水再聚 莫失莫忘 - 伦敦612集会」于国会广场举行。

今日6.12英国时间下午3时「如水再聚 莫失莫忘 - 伦敦612集会」于国会广场举行。 讲者提建军光复香港 英妇:英政府帮得太迟! 集会约2小时,在场参与者挥舞着「#光复香港、#时代革命」、龙狮香港旗等,在烈日当空下穿上黑衣、撑着黄伞、戴上黑色口罩,播放《#愿荣光归香港》,大喊「#香港独立,#唯一出路」口号。 Post on IG @the_chaser_news #612三周年 #英国 #UK #伦敦 #London #集会 #香港独立 #香港建军 #香港建国


#612三周年 #Australia #Protest #默站

#612三周年 #Australia #Protest #默站 [612 - Be Water. Be United] We will be hosting a silent protest this coming Sunday to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of 612, a significant date in Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement. Details below: Date: 12th June, 2022, Sunday Time: 2.30 - 4.00pm Location: Rundle Mall Please bring your own protest materials and slogans on the day. We will see you then! Source: IG @adlswhk #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong #bewaterbeunited


#612三周年 #台湾 #游行 #如水再聚 #莫失莫忘 #兄弟爬山 #继续努力

#612三周年 #台湾 #游行 #如水再聚 #莫失莫忘 #兄弟爬山 #继续努力 【『兄弟爬山 继续努力』612香港行动|旗海游行&抗争集会| 如水再聚 莫失莫忘 】​ ​ 活动页: ​ 今年的主题是「兄弟爬山 继续努力」,虽然疫情持续,但我们依然希望能透过这些小行动,让「属于世界的香港」重现。但愿我们都能铭记初衷,在过往的基础下继续努力。「如水再聚 莫失莫忘 」,我们都将一起继续这场未完的时代革命。​ ▌旗海游行 时间|14:45-15:30​ 起点|象山公园 终点|中国银行前空地​ ▌抗争集会​ 时间|16:30-18:00 ​ 地点|中国银行前 合唱《愿荣光归香港》​ 短讲发言​ 连侬墙喷漆

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