Newcastle 612三周年集会
Newcastle 612三周年集会
June 12th Be Water Rally
Post on IG @newcastlestandswithhk
We had around 200 participants at the peak of the rally.
One of the themes of the rally was ‘Resist China’s Totalitarianism’. We announced our plan to launch the ‘Call on Newcastle City Council to terminate sister city relationship with Taiyuan, China’ campaign. We briefly discussed with the councillor the feasibility of the campaign yesterday. More information on the campaign will be announced once we finalised the details. We hope that this campaign can actualise the concept of ‘Resist China’s Totalitarianism’ and connect with our local friends to stand against totalitarianism together.
Stand with Hong Kong, Resist China’s totalitarianism!
#英国 #集会 #遍地开花 #UK #newcastle