10.1 国殇 Resist the CCP Day - 1 October 2021

10.1 国殇 Resist the CCP Day - 1 October 2021 #freehongkong #liberatehongkong #standwithhongkong #fightforfreedom #光复香港时代革命 #光复香港 #香港独立 #国殇 #十一国殇 IG @ TG:



10.01 Resist the CCP Day - Joint London Rally

10.01 Resist the CCP Day - Joint London Rally In response to the severe crackdown in East Turkestan, Hong Kong and Tibet, a number of UK communities and NGOs are collaborating to cohost the 10.01 Resist the CCP Day - Joint London Rally, fighting for democracy and civil liberties. Date: 1 Oct 2021 (Fri) Time: 18:30 Static Rally & Marching: Piccadilly Circus towards the Chinese Embassy in London 十月一日 反抗中共极权统治 - 伦敦联合游行 香港人作为其中一个被中共极权压迫的族群,我们深信只要一日有任何族群仍然受到压迫, 其他族群亦得不到真正的民主、自由、人权。 香港思源希望团结所有被压迫的族群,所以将会联同世界维吾尔大会、藏人团体等多个海外组织于十月一日举办游行, 携手反抗极权。详情如下: 日期及时间:十月一日晚上六时半 游行路线:由Piccadilly Circus为起点,途经Oxford Circus,最后在中国驻英国大使馆门外集会。 source: #游行 #London #UK #世界维吾尔大会 #藏人 #中国大使馆 #支共暴政 #中共极权 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP #暴政必亡


October 1st|Global Day of Action DC Protest

October 1st|Global Day of Action DC Protest Thank you to the 100 community members and allies for joining us in front of the White House for our Global Day of Action protest today! We will always persist and resist, and it’s time that the international community take concrete actions to support our struggles for freedom! Posted by @dc4hk credits @resistance.hk #US #Washington #十一港殇 #贺佢老母 #TakeDownTheCCP #天灭中共全党死清光 #香港独立唯一出路


【10.1 Students For Hong Kong Action Day】

【10.1 Students For Hong Kong Action Day】 Students from 40+ schools across the world are taking various actions to raise awareness for Tibetans, Uyghurs, Hongkongers, and other oppressed groups under the Chinese authoritarian regime. Thank you all students groups and individual students for signing up and participating in the Action Day! Thanks all local groups and everyone for supporting and helping spread the word! IG @students4hk #StudentsForHongKong #Students4HK #十一国殇 #全球抗共 #US #Canada #UK #日本 #Australia #支共暴政 #共匪 #中共极权 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #rally #NeverTrustCCP #暴政必亡 #march


1st October is a so called National Day of China.

1st October is a so called National Day of China. Hongkongers had a rally in Sheffield city centre, calling for all cities in the UK to de-twin with their Chinese sister cities!! Source: Re-Water facebook FB Post: #Sheffield #UK #十一 #港殇 #贺佢老母 #BoycottChina #TakeDownTheCCP #天灭中共全党死清光 #SayNoToMIC


[伦敦抗共游行 群众烧中国国旗泄愤]

[伦敦抗共游行 群众烧中国国旗泄愤] 英国时间10月1日,伦敦Piccadilly Circus举行「Resist the CCP Day」游行集会。是次集会由多个不同民族、不同组织及机构共同合办,包括西藏、新彊、人权组织「Atlas」、香港组织「港援」、「揽炒团队」及「香港思源」。现场超过400人参加,集会以数名演讲者发言后开始游行到中国驻伦敦大使馆。 抵达大使馆后不久,有参与者取出印有香港行政长官林郑月娥及中国国家主席习近平的肖像,伴随阴司钱焚烧。其后再另取出二人肖像,连同香港政务司司长李家超、保安局局长邓炳强的肖像与中国国旗一同焚烧泄愤。 及后集会有多名演讲者发言,中国大使馆安装于墙身的多部监控镜头则全程被参与者使用激光笔照射。 报导: #和你报 @WhatsNewsMedia 摄:Virthea #ResistTheCCPDay #抗共 #烧中国国旗 #英国 #伦敦 #Atlas #港援 #揽炒团队 #香港思源 #UK #London #十月一 #贺佢老母 #没有国庆只有国殇 #支共暴政 #共匪 #中共极权 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP #暴政必亡


10月1日,我们只会想到支那共产党对其人民及全世界人民的暴行。 作为香港人,我们要用这一天来提醒自己,人权及香港一切美好的事如何

10月1日,我们只会想到支那共产党对其人民及全世界人民的暴行。 作为香港人,我们要用这一天来提醒自己,人权及香港一切美好的事如何遭到破坏。在中共侵略下,香港永远不会有自由民主,我们必须全力以赴达成独立。 On October 1st, we are reminded of the atrocities the Chinese Communist Party has brought upon its people and those around the world. As Hong Kongers, we use the day to remind ourselves of the decimation of human rights and destruction of everything that made Hong Kong prosper. There will never be freedom and democracy under the CCP, and that we must spend all our efforts to strive for Hong Kong independence. Credit: IG @vanactivistshk #Canada #温哥华 #贺佢老母 #香港独立唯一出路 #香港民族 #OneNationOneHongKong #BoycottChina #TakeDownTheCCP #天灭中共全党死清光 #video

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