回到未来⁣Back to the future⁣

回到未来⁣ Back to the future⁣ ⁣ 带领中国共产党召开第20届全国代表大会的习近平主席,是自从毛泽东之后中国最有权势的人物。习近平十年前开展执政时的愿景是「中华民族伟大复兴」愿景,这些年亦看到中国的军事实力和全球经济影响力呈现倍数的扩张。但是习近平也更改了中共的党章,允许自己获得前所未有的第三个任期基本上有效地终身执政。中国恢复到强人统治,使国内的镇压和国外的敌对关系又回到了更早的时代。⁣ ⁣ Communist Party General Secretary and Chinese President Xi Jinping heads into the 20th National Congress of the CCP as the most powerful leader of China since Mao Zedong. Xi came to power 10 years ago touting his vision for the "Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation" and the decade saw China's military power and global economic clout multiply. But Xi also changed CCP rules to allow himself an unprecedented third termeffectively ruling for lifeand China's reversion to strongman rule has brought back repression at home and hostile relations abroad that hark back to an earlier era.⁣ Artist: @remonwangxt Credit: @rfacantonese #二十大 #中共极权 #习帝 #支共祸患 #NeverTrustCCP #共匪 #共贼 #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #TakeDownTheCCP #天灭中共全党死清光



CCP-loving people in China halt their wedding activities and sin

CCP-loving people in China halt their wedding activities and sing the national anthem along with Xi Jinping during the televised opening ceremony of the CCP’s 20th national congress Sunday morning. 周日上午,在电视转播的中共第二十次全国代表大会开幕式上,中国热爱中共的人们停止了婚礼,与习近平一起唱国歌。 Credit: twitter @byron.wan #国歌 #二十大 #中共极权 #习帝 #支共祸患 #ChineseVirus #粉蛆 #盲目忠诚 #无脑效忠 #video


Red Note immediately deleted my post asking Chinese friends thei

Red Note immediately deleted my post asking Chinese friends their thoughts on Xi Jinping and Xi Jinping Thought. I am confused. China says it is a Whole Process Democracy with freedom of speech? 小红书 立即删除了我向中国朋友询问对 习近平 和 习近平思想 的看法的帖子。 我感到很困惑。中国说它是 全过程民主,有 言论自由?


微笑和咆哮⁣A smile and a snarl⁣

微笑和咆哮⁣ A smile and a snarl⁣ ⁣ 在中国与加拿大在G20峰会期间进行非正式闭门会面的翌日,习近平当面指责杜鲁多泄露两人对话内容予传媒,过程被加国记者拍下并在网上曝光。习近平指将谈话内容告诉报纸「不合适」,应用「互相尊重的态度来进行很好的沟通,否则这个结果就不好说了」。习近平执政十年以来,助长了「战狼外交」的兴起。⁣ ⁣ A day after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Chinese President Xi Jinping held a brief informal talk on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia, Xi upbraided Trudeau, complaining that everything the leaders had discussed was leaked to the media. "That’s not appropriate," Xi said. "If there is sincerity on your part, we can conduct very good communications based on mutual respect. Otherwise, what might happen is hard to say." Xi's 10 years as China's top leader has fostered a blunt approach to the world known as "wolf warrior" diplomacy.⁣ ⁣ 报导: @rfacantonese Artist: #变态辣椒漫画 ⁣ #中加关系 #杜鲁多 #习近平 #战狼外交 #支共祸患 #evilCCP #TakeDownCCP #NeverTrustCCP


方大同 2012年专辑 回到未来dsf

方大同 2012年专辑 回到未来dsf 描述:这张专辑融合了多种音乐风格,展现了方大同作为唱作人的才华和音乐多样性。 1. Can You Feel The Music 2. I Want You Back 3. 你就是 4. 千纸鹤 5. 关于爱的定义 6. 麦恩莉 7. 孤独孩儿 8. Romeo 9. 妈妈说 10. 爱立刻 11. BB88 链接:https://pan.quark.cn/s/7781556ebc1e 大小:1.68GB 标签:#音乐 #无损音乐 #Jack #方大同 #quark 频道:@yunpanshare 群组:@yunpangroup


【一国只许一神】【One Nation Under One Godhead】

【一国只许一神】 【One Nation Under One Godhead】 湖北正在拆除并搬迁位于荆州全世界最大的关公雕像,中国共产党称这座造价1.7亿元人民的关公的雕塑浪费。在正值对信仰和意识形态控制收紧之际,这个打击浪费纳税人资金的最新举动,早前已有一众的大佛和其他偶像被推倒。专家称,信仰削弱与挑战了中共对意识形态的垄断。 Authorities in China’s Hubei province are dismantling a massive statue of the military deity Guan Yu, a general of the Three Kingdoms, after the Chinese Communist Party called it a wasteful eyesore. The crackdown on the waste of taxpayer funds, which has toppled big Buddhas and other icons, comes amid a tightening of controls over faith and ideology that experts say is aimed at weakening beliefs that challenge the CCP’s monopoly on ideology. Post by #自由亚洲粤语 @rfacantonese #中共 #习近平 #新时代中国特色社会主义 #意识形态 #宗教自由 #支共暴政 #共匪 #中共极权 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP



20240521蓬佩奥国务卿表示 1. 台湾对美国的战略同盟关系远超任何国家 2.承认台湾是独立自由的主权国家符合事实 3.CCP剥夺了中国百姓作为人最基本的快乐,习无法代表中国百姓 4.愿美台成为灯塔,照亮中国百姓的前路 #ccp≠chinese

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