中国驻曼城总领事认扯示威者头发:I think it’s my duty
中国驻曼城总领事认扯示威者头发:I think it’s my duty @channelchk 全文: 早前有居英港人在中共二十大召开期间,前往中国驻英国曼彻斯特总领馆外示威,其间一批疑为领事馆职员抢走示威物品,引发双方冲突,有示威者被人拖入领事馆范围内围殴。中国驻曼城总领事郑曦原被指有份破坏示威标语及扯事威者Bob Chan头发,郑昨日(19日)接受《天空新闻》访问时,回应指:「因为他侮辱我的国家和领袖,我认为我有义务去扯他的头发(He abused my country, my leader, I think it is my duty)。」 #天空新闻 访问节录: 郑曦原:I don’t attack anybody, I am just peacefully 记者:That’s not true though, isn’t Consul-General, you pulled the man’s hair 郑曦原:Yeah, the man because he abused my country, my leader, I think it is my duty 记者:To pull his hair? 郑曦原:Yeah, I think any diplomat, if faced with such kind of behavior #UK #Manchester #曼彻斯特 #郑曦原 #中国领事馆 #贺佢老母 #二十大 #支共祸患

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