31st January 2021: Hong Kong BNO Visa launched.

31st January 2021: Hong Kong BNO Visa launched. Two years on, we're proud to have helped over 144,500 Hong Kongers start new lives here in the UK. Posted by Home Office #BNOVisa #BNO #移民 #移民潮 #UK #救生艇



“Many Hong Kongers have said living in Britn is like coming ho

“Many Hong Kongers have said living in Britain is like coming home” The UK is proud to have welcomed 144,500 people from Hong Kong since our BN(O) visa launch 2 years ago. Posted by Home Office #BNOVisa #BNO #移民 #移民潮 #UK #救生艇 #video


The PLA Hong Kong Garrison (驻港解放军) unintentionally promoting the

The PLA Hong Kong Garrison (驻港解放军) unintentionally promoting the BN(O) visa scheme! BNO no. 1 ? 2023 BNO run ? BNO won ? #解放军 #BNO #BNOVisa #移民 #兔年


Britain's new Hongkongers - BBC World Service

Britain's new Hongkongers - BBC World Service Since last year, over a hundred thousand people from Hong Kong have left everything they know to escape a government accused of eroding freedoms and to start new lives in the UK. #UK #BNO #BNOVISA #移民 #移民潮


BNO Visa两年逾16万申请 再有1.1万港人移英

BNO Visa两年逾16万申请 再有1.1万港人移英 过去两年有逾16万港人申请以BNO Visa移民英国,获批人数有近13万人,近日外媒报道,香港人以BNO移民,当初持有特区护照的家属在护照到期后,或面临续领特区护照「进退两难」的局面。不少人担心政治问题不希望回港申请特区护照。 根据英国政府最新数据公布,申请BNO Visa自2021年1月31日推出至2022年12月底,在这两年时间里,共收到160,700份申请。至于获批境外BNO签证共有129,415人。其实自该计划启动以来,已有105,200人抵达英国。 新近资料显示,2022年10月至12月期间,BNO Visa申请有10,100份申请,其中8,462份在境外申请,1,700份在国内申请。至于获批境外BNO签证则有8,222人,而该季度则有11,000人抵达英国。另外该季度,共有271宗境外BNO签证拒签,82宗为境内BNO签证拒签。 #BNOVisa #BNO #移民 #移民潮 #UK #救生艇


26 January was Hong Kong's 181st birthday. Although United Kingd

26 January was Hong Kong's 181st birthday. Although United Kingdom started to govern over Hong Kong because of a war, one fact remains. Under United Kingdom's rule, Hong Kong transformed from an unknown fishing village into an international metropolis. Let us review the history of Hong Kong! Full version: Credit: Hongkonger in Deutschland e.V. Twitter @HongkongerV #German #香港开埠 #开埠 #香港历史 #democracynow #freehongkong #standwithhongkong #revolutionofourtimes #FoundingDay


Hong Kong’s oldest outdoor fabric market is closing on January 3

Hong Kong’s oldest outdoor fabric market is closing on January 31, 2023 after 45 years in business. Posted by @scmpnews Also known as “Pang Jai”, the historic Yen Chow Street Hawker Bazaar in Kowloon’s Sham Shui Po district has been open since 1978. But it will soon be torn down to make way for a new public housing estate despite attempts from concern groups to preserve it. #fabricmarket #yenchowstreethawkerbazaar #yenchowstreetfabricmarket #钦州街小贩市场 #布棚 #棚仔 #消失的香港 #昔日香港 #video

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