香港监察努力争取扩大加拿大Stream B永居政策

香港监察努力争取扩大加拿大Stream B永居政策 Hong Kong Watch campaigns hard to get Canada’s permanent residency policy Stream B expanded 香港监察共同创办人兼信托人Aileen Calverley一直就Stream B与联邦移民部高层保持联络。移民部于2月6日宣布修订OWP计划后,她立即与他们通话,讨论有关Stream B的问题。 Aileen Calverley, Hong Kong Watch’s co-founder and trustee, has been in contact with senior officials from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) concerning Stream B. She had a conversation with them right after IRCC made an announcement regarding changes to the OWP scheme on 6 February. 本周我们接获移民部正面回应,他们表示希望尽快发表公告。Aileen将出席多伦多香港人社区中心2月25日的活动,与「OWP和你倾」圆桌参加者进一步讨论这点。 We got a positive response from IRCC this week, which expressed their hope to make an announcement soon. Aileen will discuss this further with participants in the OWP roundtable at an event to be held by the HongKonger Community Centre in Toronto on 25 February. 报名参加 Sign up here: Source: @hongkongwatchorg #HongKongWatch #香港监察 #加拿大 #Canada #StreamB #永



加拿大政府宣布延长及扩大OWP 香港监察表示欢迎

加拿大政府宣布延长及扩大OWP 香港监察表示欢迎 Hong Kong Watch (Canada) welcomes the decision by IRCC to extend and expand its Open Work Permit for Hong Kongers 加拿大政府宣布延长及扩大为香港人而设的开放式工作签证(OWP)计划。计划原于 2023年2月7日截止申请。 加拿大移民、难民及公民部长弗雷泽(Sean Fraser)宣布OWP计划: • 申请截止日期将延长至2025年2月7日; • 申请资格将从五年扩大至过去十年内(2013年起)大专毕业。 Posted by @hongkongwatchorg #加拿大 #Canada #救生艇 #移民 #StandWithHongKong #工作签证



香港监察祝各位兔年快乐 Hong Kong Watch wishes you a happy Lunar New Year Posted by IG @hongkongwatchorg 香港监察同寅恭祝各位身心康泰,平安幸福;兔气扬眉,事事如意。 The team at Hong Kong Watch wishes you good health, happiness and good fortune in the Year of the Rabbit. #兔年 #HappyLunarNewYear #YearoftheRabbit #农历新年 #香港人平安


28名加拿大跨党派议员联署要求政府扩大Stream B永居政策

28名加拿大跨党派议员联署要求政府扩大Stream B永居政策 Parliamentarians from all sides call on Canadian Government to expand its permanent residency policy Stream B for Hong Kongers Full article incl English: 28名加拿大跨党派国会议员月初联署致函移民、难民及公民部长弗雷泽(Sean Fraser),呼吁扩大香港人救生艇计划Stream B永久居留政策的申请资格。加拿大政府则于上周宣布延长及扩大开放式工作签证(OWP)计划。 联署议员在信中提到成功申请计划的人数少是由Stream B的申请限制所致,指出「许多人成功申请开放式工作签证,累积了必要工作经验,并打算透过Stream B申请永久居留权。对这些人而言,五年毕业要求是个障碍 。」 #Canada #StreamB #StandWithHongKong #移民 #救生艇 #永久居留



加拿大新民主党党魁呼吁政府改善救生艇计划 Canada’s NDP Leader calls for improvements in the country’s lifeboat scheme Jagmeet Singh MP, Leader of the New Democratic Party (NDP) of Canada, expressed his support for our international lifeboat campaign. He commented that: “I am in full agreement with other likeminded leaders in UK, USA, EU and Australia that we must stand with the people of Hong Kong. As the persecution of pro-democracy activists continue to escalate, urgent action is needed. Canada must do its part by extending the current lifeline to safety set to expire in February and establish a special measure for human rights defenders. To ensure the pathways are workable for these pro-democracy activists, barriers like the 5 year graduation requirement and a Hong Kong police certificate must be removed.” Posted by #HongKongWatch #香港监察 #Canada #救生艇 #StandWithHongKong #移民



首批涉嫌违反《港区国安法》「外国势力」香港监察年度晚宴小提琴家及钢琴家献曲《愿荣光归香港》】 Hong Kong Watch香港监察2022年度晚宴中,最后一任港督彭定康勋爵获邀作为主宾。小提琴家露丝·罗杰斯及钢琴家维夫·麦克莱恩即席演奏数曲,当中包括《愿荣光归香港》 #国安法 #外国势力 #香港监察 #愿荣光归香港 #彭定康



加拿大救生艇政策修订细节一览 Source: @hongkongwatchorg 加拿大政府于7月11日宣布扩大为香港人而设的Stream B永久居留政策,新政策将于8月15日生效,至2026年8月31日止。 详情: #加拿大 #PR #Canada #救生艇 #StreamB #移民 #抢人才

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