香港监察努力争取扩大加拿大Stream B永居政策
香港监察努力争取扩大加拿大Stream B永居政策 Hong Kong Watch campaigns hard to get Canada’s permanent residency policy Stream B expanded 香港监察共同创办人兼信托人Aileen Calverley一直就Stream B与联邦移民部高层保持联络。移民部于2月6日宣布修订OWP计划后,她立即与他们通话,讨论有关Stream B的问题。 Aileen Calverley, Hong Kong Watch’s co-founder and trustee, has been in contact with senior officials from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) concerning Stream B. She had a conversation with them right after IRCC made an announcement regarding changes to the OWP scheme on 6 February. 本周我们接获移民部正面回应,他们表示希望尽快发表公告。Aileen将出席多伦多香港人社区中心2月25日的活动,与「OWP和你倾」圆桌参加者进一步讨论这点。 We got a positive response from IRCC this week, which expressed their hope to make an announcement soon. Aileen will discuss this further with participants in the OWP roundtable at an event to be held by the HongKonger Community Centre in Toronto on 25 February. 报名参加 Sign up here: Source: @hongkongwatchorg #HongKongWatch #香港监察 #加拿大 #Canada #StreamB #永

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