诺定咸麻雀大侠公开赛Sign up here:

诺定咸麻雀大侠公开赛 Sign up here: 今个Hong Kong March 除咗有文化艺术展之外 仲会有大家都好钟意嘅麻雀 相信日玩夜玩嘅大家都会想同唔同嘅人切磋吓 嚟紧3月18号星期六约定你哋 睇吓边个先系雀王雀后啦 我哋有分公开组同青年组 男女老嫩都可以嚟参加㗎 名额有限 快啲嚟报名啦 During Hong Kong March We not only have the cultural and art exhibitions We are also having a mahjong competition~~~ Come and make an appointment on Saturday, March 18th Let’s see who is the king and the queen of Mahjong We will have a group for everyone and a group for youth Everyone can joinnnnnn Hurry to sign up now Source: @hongkong_notts #麻雀 #香港文化 #nottingham #UK #移英港人 #HongKongMarch #海外活动



May 7,2023「声援在囚手足街站」

May 7,2023「声援在囚手足街站」 “Support Hong Kong” Protest Source: IG @vanactivistshk 感谢义工出席街站 亦感谢唔少香港人都有关注我哋、写「连侬墙」、嗌口号! Thanks to the volunteers for attending the protest and also to many Hong Kong people who have paid attention, written on the "Lennon Wall," and chanted slogans. 今次街站除咗希望大家继续关注香港人权同在囚手足状况之外,更重要嘅系想讲,请大家好忘记救生䱓计划嘅出现,好多香港人可以嚟到加拿大,我哋而家可以享受自由嘅空气,系建基于无数手足嘅牺牲。我哋嚟到海外,一个相对比较自由嘅地方,系绝对有责任持续关注同声援香港! Apart from hoping everyone continues to pay attention to the human rights situation and imprisoners in Hong Kong, the most important thing we want to share is to please not forget that the emergence of the Hong Kong Pathway supporting many Hong Kongers to come to Canada, and we are now able to enjoy the freedom on the foundation of the sacrifices of countless imprisoners. When we come overseas to a relatively free place, we have an absolute responsibility to continue to pay attention to and support Hong Kong! #Canada #Vancouver #连侬墙 #街站 #LennonWall #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom


香港人!结合!团聚!Hongkongers assemble in FULL GEAR again!

香港人!结合!团聚! Hongkongers assemble in FULL GEAR again! LSWHK诚邀各位身处利物浦嘅同路人于612行出嚟,继续为已失去自由嘅留港同路人发声! 希望各位能穿著Full Gear或全身黑衣、带备文宣及雨伞参与是次集会,让更多本土人仕认识 #香港人、认识我哋嘅成长地方。 LSWHK will be holding a rally on the 3rd Anniversary of 6.12. It’s high time we Hongkongers in Liverpool had to stand up for our fellow Hongkongers, who are still in Hong Kong and have lost their freedoms. Let’s fight for them and our homeland in FULL GEAR again. It’s also a chance for us to tell locals who we are as "Hongkongers" and what Hong Kong was like. Date: 12 June 2022 (Sun) Time: 1500-1700 Venue: Church Street (Outside Primark) Source: IG @liverpoolstandswithhk #612游行 #利物浦 #Liverpool #UK #在英港人


Source: @hongkong_notts

Source: @hongkong_notts 话咁快又就嚟春天啦~呢个三月我哋将会有一系列大大小小嘅活动,由”香港做乜culture”展览到”麻雀大侠公开赛”再到去睇 @hkff.unitedkingdom 五套唔同电影放映。等我哋喺呢个特别嘅月份 @hongkongmarch 一齐去拥抱自己嘅文化啦 期待喺我哋嘅活动见到你~ Spring is almost here, and March is bringing some serious heat! From “What’s Up Hong Kong” exhibition to @hkff.unitedkingdom screenings in Nottingham, this month is packed with excitement and adventure. Let’s celebrate and explore the unique culture of Hong Kong in this special month @hongkongmarch ~ Can’t wait to see all of you in our events. #nottingham #UK #移英港人 #HongKongMarch #海外活动


响应声援47人案全球联合行动 - 澳洲墨尔本 // IG @vhka_au

响应声援47人案全球联合行动 - 澳洲墨尔本 // IG @vhka_au Hong Kong 47 - Global Action: Melbourne 落雨,我哋班义工唔系谂取消、唔系谂自己会淋湿,系惊啲纸板唔知点算 天气比预期好好多,有人话见到有人仲会出嚟好感动, 比起其他地方例如英国我哋系少人好多,但每一个仍然唔放弃、仍然会出嚟嘅人我哋都好珍惜 They are university lecturer, social workers, activists, former legislators, etc. These are some of the faces among numerous Hongkongers who have been jailed for years simply because they fought for democracy (in the way totally lawful and normal in all democratic countries like Australia). Thank you for everyone who came to join us to stand solidarity with the political prisoners today. #Melbourne #HongKong47 #savehk47 #Australia #47人案 #初选大搜捕 #国安法 #未审先判 #政治犯 #欲加之罪 #冤狱 #莫须有 #初选无罪 #释放政治犯 #海外活动 #外国港人势力 #默站

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