诺定咸麻雀大侠公开赛Sign up here:
诺定咸麻雀大侠公开赛 Sign up here: 今个Hong Kong March 除咗有文化艺术展之外 仲会有大家都好钟意嘅麻雀 相信日玩夜玩嘅大家都会想同唔同嘅人切磋吓 嚟紧3月18号星期六约定你哋 睇吓边个先系雀王雀后啦 我哋有分公开组同青年组 男女老嫩都可以嚟参加㗎 名额有限 快啲嚟报名啦 During Hong Kong March We not only have the cultural and art exhibitions We are also having a mahjong competition~~~ Come and make an appointment on Saturday, March 18th Let’s see who is the king and the queen of Mahjong We will have a group for everyone and a group for youth Everyone can joinnnnnn Hurry to sign up now Source: @hongkong_notts #麻雀 #香港文化 #nottingham #UK #移英港人 #HongKongMarch #海外活动

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