What do you wish for Christmas?

What do you wish for Christmas? 今年圣诞,你有咩愿望? Posted by @standwithhk_ «After all these years, it just seems like being happy is very hard to come by.» 「经过呢几年,要开心好似好奢侈噉。」 «My friend is in prison. I hope they won’t have to spend Christmas alone next year.» 「我朋友坐紧监,希望佢下年唔使孤单噉过圣诞。」 «Many of my friends are leaving the city for good, even those who don’t want to.» 「个个都移民,唔想走都走咗。」 It is not easy to live through the dark times. 喺黑暗时代之下,好好生活落去,的确唔容易。 But we can make it a bit easier by caring for our loved ones and each one around us. 惟有珍惜身旁亲友,好好扶持每一个人。 May peace and freedom be to Hongkongers in every corner of the world. 希望世界每个角落嘅香港人,得享自由,圣诞平安。 #香港人平安 #Christmas #毋忘在囚人士 #圣诞快乐 #暴政必亡 #公义必彰



Merry Christmas everyone!

Merry Christmas everyone! Posted by @hkdmovement #香港人平安 #Xmas #Christmas #merryChristmas #毋忘在囚人士 #圣诞快乐 #FreeHK


Merry Christmas! May your wishes come true

Merry Christmas! May your wishes come true #圣诞节 #merrychristmas #Christmas #Xmas #毋忘手足 #香港人平安 #香港人加油 #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong Post by Manchester Stands With Hong Kong fb


祝大家圣诞充满亮光Merry Christmas

祝大家圣诞充满亮光 Merry Christmas Art by @little_pink_man #黄照达 #香港人平安 #Xmas #Christmas #merryChristmas #毋忘在囚人士 #圣诞快乐 #FreeHK


The year has gone fast and Christmas is already approaching. Hop

The year has gone fast and Christmas is already approaching. Hope everyone of you find peace under these turbulent times. Posted by @guardiansofhk #圣诞 #MerryChristmas #香港人平安



祝愿 散布喺世界唔同角落嘅香港好人 圣诞平安 Posted by @vhka_au #香港人平安 #Xmas #Christmas #merryChristmas #毋忘在囚人士 #圣诞快乐 #FreeHK



祝世界各地的香港人圣诞平安快乐 Merry Christmas to all freedom lovers around the world! Posted on @hkladyliberty #香港人平安 #Xmas #Christmas #merryChristmas #毋忘在囚人士 #圣诞快乐 #FreeHK

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