This year, Birmingham HongKongers (@birminghamhongkongers) is or

This year, Birmingham HongKongers (@birminghamhongkongers) is organising a joint Memorial Day for the June 4 and June 12 incidents through outdoor assemblies and screenings of «She’s in Jail» 1. Assembly in the Park (2 rounds) Date: 9 June 2024 Time: Round (1) 3 4 pm , Round (2) 4 5 pm Venue: Cannon Hill Park (lawn next to the Boating/Swan Lake) Russell Rd, Moseley, Birmingham B12 9QH 2. Screenings of «She’s in Jail» in Birmingham Date: 9 June 2024 (Sunday) Venue: Midlands Arts Centre Hexagon Theatre, Cannon Hill Park, Birmingham, B12 9QH Ticket Price: £11.97 (including handling fee of £1.57 charged by Eventbrite) First Screening ~ 1:30 pm 3:15 pm Second Screening ~ 5:00 pm 6:45 pm Tickets can be purchased at: 1st Screening: 2nd Screening : #幸彤在监狱 #毋忘六四 #人民不会忘记 #邹幸彤 #六四事件 #天安门屠城



Screening: Love in the Time of Revolution

Screening: Love in the Time of Revolution 伯明翰《因为爱所以革命》放映会,门票现正公开发售 Source: IG @birmingham.hongkongers Love in the Time of Revolution is a documentary filmed during the 2019 Pro-democracy Social Movement in Hong Kong. 此电影是来自香港街头的呐喊,纪录政治和社会动荡时期下,香港人的热血、精神和牺牲。 作品将观众带到香港街头,走到抗争最前线,倾听时代革命下的素人故事:当人民处身于与城市共命运的时代下,经历希望与绝望、爱与心碎,为家园而战的故事。 Purchase ticket at : Date : 15 October 2022 (Sat) Time : 4-7 pm (Q&A session with the director Twinkle Ngan after screening) Venue : Hexagon Theatre @ Midlands Art Centre in Cannon Hill Park, Birmingham, B12 9QH #因为爱所以革命 #LoveInTheTimeOfRevolution #birmingham #UK #standwithhongkong #放映会


Birmingham Spring Fest Market!!

Birmingham Spring Fest Market!! 由CLS搞墟联盟 (IG @cls.marketcollective) 举办的首次《伯明翰荣光年宵》会有40个熟食及干货档位,欢迎大家年廿九同年三十晚过嚟趁墟! Date: 20-21 Jaunary 2023 (Friday and Saturday) Opening on Friday: 4pm - 9pm (Last Entry 8pm) Opening on Saturday: 2pm - 9pm (Last Entry 8pm) Venue: Edgbaston Community Centre, Birmingham B15 2HU Entrance Fee: £1 per head #Birmingham #伯明翰 #年宵 #巿集 #农历新年 #UK


#毋忘六四 #街站 #UK #Birmingham

#毋忘六四 #街站 #UK #Birmingham 和你倾~六四33周年街站 英伦好邻舍教会与英国港侨协会合办 内容:无论身在何处,我们都毋忘六四,一同手持烛光悼念六四死难者,坚持平反八九民运。同场会派发电子烛光、白花、纪念品及单张,并设六月份活动即场报名。 Date: 4th June 2022 Time: 4:30pm - 5:30pm Venue: 38 High Street, Birmingham B4 7SL (in front of Primark) 形式:街头咨询站 语言:广东话 ‘Birmingham Talk with you’ - Good Neighbor Church England and Hongkongers in Britain is in partnership for inviting you to grieve what happened at Tianamen Square 33 years ago. Source: IG @englandgnc TG @enggnc


#毋忘六四 #六四集会 #游行 #UK

#毋忘六四 #六四集会 #游行 #UK 英国六四卅三周年悼念活动时间 BHK整合 33rd Anniversity Memorial of Tiananmen Square Protests - UK 详细内容及主办机构请到 请大家积极参与所有活动,自由得来不易。 Birmingham 1730-1900: High StreetB4 7SL Bristol 1200-1330: Broadquay BS1 1SD 1800-1845: Victoria Park BS3 5AH Cambridge 2000: Emmanuel College ChapelCB2 3AP Edinburgh 1930: Roseburn Park EH12 5NZ Kingston 2030-2130: Fairfield Park KT1 2UR Leeds 1900-2000: Park Square LS1 2NU London 1600-1730: Whitehall, Downing StSW1A 2AT 1730-1900: Piccadilly Circus W1J 9HS 1930: Embassy of PRC, W1B 1JL Nottingham 1300-1600: Old Market Square NG1 2BS Manchester 1800-2000: St. Peter's Square M2 3AE


Manchester Exhibition of June 4th Massacre

Manchester Exhibition of June 4th Massacre 曼彻斯特六四展览 Date 日期: 2nd june 2024 (Sunday) 2024年6月2日(日) Time 时间: 1:15pm 4:30pm 下午1:15 下午4:30 Venue 地点: Stretford Public Hall, Chester Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 0LG FREE ENTRANCE 免费入场 Source: #manchester #tiananmenmassacre #june4th #六四 #曼城 #曼彻斯特 #英国 #UK



721警乡黑事件英国集会整合 Posted on @britonshk #毋忘721 #海外活动 #UK Aberdeen 雅巴甸 7.20 Wed 1400-1600 St Nicholas St. Birmingham 伯明翰 7.21 Thu 1400-1700 Cannon Hill Park Bristol 碧仙桃 7.23 Sat 1500-1700 College Green BS1 5UY Edinburgh 爱丁堡 7.23 Sun 1400-1600 National Record Exeter 雅士打 7.16 Sat 1400-1600 High St. (H&M) Glasgow 格拉斯哥 7.21 Thu 1700-1900 St. Enoch Subway Guildford 侨福 7.21 Thu 2000 Friary St. Liverpool 利物浦 7.21 Thu 1830 - 2000 St. Luke Church L1 2TR London 伦敦 7.21 Thu 1900-2000 Piccadilly Circus Manchester 曼城 7.21 Thu 1800 St. Peter Sq Southampton 修咸顿 7.17 Sun 1300-1430 Bargate Monument SO14 2DJ

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