When Hong Kong’s government tries to silence a song, the world s
When Hong Kong’s government tries to silence a song, the world should listen
If the court agrees, the companies should reply with «no.» Meta, Google and their peers admittedly find themselves in a tortured position.
In Hong Kong, this dispute is itself more evidence that the city is approaching a tipping point that the «one country, two systems» model affording Hong Kong its autonomy from mainland China is atrophying. Two of the remaining bulwarks against autocracy in the nation were judicial independence (which China has disavowed) and a free internet (in contrast to China’s Great Firewall); a victory for the government in this case would mean the diminishment of both. This, in turn, would be a signal to companies who prefer to do business without betraying their values that the city is no longer a friendly hub for foreign investment.
#愿荣光归香港 #禁制令 #GloryToHongKong #香港国歌